Author Topic: basic bench test of the output trigger  (Read 7638 times)

Offline fphil

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basic bench test of the output trigger
« on: November 04, 2008, 06:17:06 pm »
Hello all,

I am new on this forum, to introduced my project I may quote as on the Vems wiki : "3.5 years ago (!) when I first got the VEMS 3.3 I had some project for my Volvo 850. I then bought a Maserati biturbo and so I was more involved during my spare time with mechanics than with electronics or software. Hopefully the car is 200km from Paris where I live! "

During these years I successfully had the wbo2 calibrated and tested! I now try to bench test the input trigger using the output trigger signal. For that I connected the stim-output signal to the InputTrigger with a 1K resistor as said on the Output Trigger page. I entered msp0a and I obtained a nice rectangular signal period 20ms, then I configured :

  primary_trigger 0x01
  tooth_wheel 0x04
  tooth_wheel_twidth1 0x0A (I did not try 0x2D or 45 deg)
  trigger_tooth 0x01 (why not)
  secondary_trigger 0x02 ( coil type no cam)

Result : no RPM value on the megatune gauge !

I have browsed the wiki and this forum to have any kind of basic trigger bench test fully described but without success. I did not even find how to set the configuration for coil type trigger. I know there is an item of the megatune menu which allows to select that, but my megatune version cannot upload or download the configuration except from the mini terminal. So :
- What is the version of Vems firmware/Megatune do you recommend to upload and use?
- what basic bench test should I run preferably from the output trigger signal, coil type and no cam ?
- what configuration?

Your kind answers would be very helpful !



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Re: basic bench test of the output trigger
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2008, 06:44:36 pm »
Best thing to try is the signal generator program that is in the tools directory.  I have no idea what trigger the Volvo uses so I can't suggest a firmware.


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Re: basic bench test of the output trigger
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2008, 07:15:19 pm »
Thanks for the answer.

This bench test has nothing to do with the volvo which has too many km today to have anything modified. In fact want to use the vems to get some data from the maserati.

Indeed I know there is a new signal generator program but the PC/notebook next the car is quite slow/old and nt4.

However I control the output trigger signal pretty well (I have a scope). 
So is it not be possible to make with this signal a bench test for coil type and no cam input trigger for simple start? First I just want to make move the rpm gauge ?

In your posts you say that you use to run trigger bench tests. Do you mind do give the description of the simplest one.

Which is the firmware/megatune version stable to run (that you recommend) ?



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Re: basic bench test of the output trigger
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2008, 07:51:15 pm »
I  use the signal generator program to create a wav file which is played through the sound card.
As long as the second trigger is disabled you will be able to get the system showing RPM with only the primary trigger.
What voltage are you using from your signal generator?

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Re: basic bench test of the output trigger
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2008, 04:57:45 pm »
- I follow up the "OutputTrigger" page.
The square signal was -12V, +12v (or -1.2V, +1.2V not sure about the x10 factor set on the probe). The ground was the common ground (main ground with sensor grounds, wbo2 works ok in debug mode on bench).
I checked twice to be sure to have a positive/ negative signal so I did not fed the input trigger through a capacitance, simply through a 1kohm  resistance.
Apart to set
     "secondary_trigger 0x02"
for coil type, no cam, what would be any kind of setup which shows rpm?. Have you heard that someone  had run such basic test?

- What release do you recommend to upload :
 one 1.1.X version :1.1.27 or 1.1.12 or
 one 1.0.X version like 1.0.69
I did not know what are the options respective to these 2 notations. It would be nice to use VemsTune.


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Re: basic bench test of the output trigger
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2008, 06:22:02 pm »
I think you should try with 1.1.43alpha2

Read this for some help:

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Re: basic bench test of the output trigger
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2008, 10:31:51 pm »
Alright Rob, I would do it next week end. Thank you for your help