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Car is back up and running now it wont go past 130kpa????

Started by bcool, August 30, 2008, 01:17:01 AM

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Well after a small engine fire a few months back the car is up and running once more. I'm running the same setup as i did before its just this time once i hit 130ish kpa it goes into an extreme studder and it wont move anywhere past it. My AFR's are looking dandy up until that point. Originally i had taken out a bunch of fuel being now that i'm seeing 100*F instead of 40 when the car was tuned. I experience one studder once the Injector stages then it'll go until it this point. it rev's freely up till rev limiter and as you can see with my first gear run i'm able to go past the RPM i get stuck at because i'm hitting less boost in that gear. Anyways heres my datalog; it starts out with me at a stop sign and then moving through 1st 2nd and 3rd gears.


[email protected]

Thats a noisy looking RPM trace there...
You're sure that its definatley boost and not rev related.


No if i pull through first gear it'll go all the way to rev limiter. Same with free reving. I think the inconsistancy in the RPM band that you see is where its cutting in and out. I'll detach a charge pipe and see if just driving around is fine.


What I see in this log is imprecise trigger wheel (or misconfigurated may be?), too much acceleration enrichment and probably lean - at 140kPa boost you have 4.8ms at idle 2.5ms injection time. Difference far too small.

And timing is too retarded!

Where is your WBO2?



I think i might try to switch to a hall trigger here soon i'm tired of fighting with my VR trigger. Also my injection times will seem a bit odd since i'm running staged injection. I was running some ultra safe timing for the time being as well. I may bump it up a bit to see if it helps. I attached my wideband and tried to get it running but when i did my injectors went haywire and started opening and shutting really fast. So i just use my separate widband for the time being.

[email protected]

Stick with the VR, but put a 36-1 crank trigger wheel on and use a decent OEM VR sensor.


I think it is not sensor but uneven trigger wheel problem.

I have experience with so retarded ignition. It cause misfires and no power. Even at much higher boost than 0.4bar.

From what reason in 1343.8sec PW is 5.1ms  ???

[email protected]

Yeah, he's running one of those Japanese distributor based 24+sync teeth triggers (like Honda and Toyota used).
Its a shame that they need so much smoothing circuitry to work.


we are soon goingto test a small adaptor print, that ,maybe can cure the problems with the jap trigger, but we dont know yet, as i have not had the time to test it yet..., but its a relative simple print

working on the boxer


Quote from: Denmark on September 03, 2008, 04:30:03 PM
we are soon goingto test a small adaptor print, that ,maybe can cure the problems with the jap trigger, but we dont know yet, as i have not had the time to test it yet..., but its a relative simple print

Where this problems are described?


Yeah the thing is a pain. I'd like to see what you have in the works for this trigger. It would be nice to run without filtering. The later 3rd generation RX-7 motors had a Hall type sensor setup on the front cover and i wouldn't mind switching over to. In fact, I should have switched while i had the motor out of the car. The trigger wheel i run doesn't really have too many issues. I have filtering enable and every once in a great while it will pop up with a "trigger error" on mega tune under cranking and above that the signal only gets stronger. I've been kinda busy the last couple of days and haven't really taken the car out, but tomorrow i'll have time to mess around with it. I'll let you know how it goes.


Quote from: GintsK on September 03, 2008, 10:24:09 PM
Quote from: Denmark on September 03, 2008, 04:30:03 PM
we are soon goingto test a small adaptor print, that ,maybe can cure the problems with the jap trigger, but we dont know yet, as i have not had the time to test it yet..., but its a relative simple print

Where this problems are described?

Some of it is here

this is the exact same problem described really well, this is from MS forum, and you might have to login to see this.

working on the boxer


I finally figured it out. I'm hitting more boost than i was before. I never really took notice to it because my boost gauge would only hit 10psi. I was looking over my logs and my fuel map and i have a very safe fuel region set up above 140kpa. So now its hitting a max of around 170kpa which is around 15psi'ish. I knocked alot of fuel out around that region and now it's moving. Thanks for the help guys and i'll keep an eye out for that trigger code i'm pretty interested in that now.



Quote from: bcool on September 04, 2008, 08:23:19 AM
It would be nice to run without filtering.

You shouldn't be using filtering. All that does is allow you to use a shit trigger and damage your engine.

I have the same trigger and don't have any problems with noise and certainly don't use filtering.
VEMS USA - Located in beautiful Burlington, Vermont
1988 RX7 Turbo