First off all a little summary of my setup:
BMW 518i 4cyl m10b18 8valves
Ljet distributor
stock engine
stock 200cc injectors
vems controls 1 coil and 4 injectors individual, 1 fuelpump, lcd, firmware vemsMT1.0.53, 1widebandO2, IAT, MAP,...
The car has run perfectly with this setup previously, due to technical inspection I have removed the turbo and vems momentary.
In the meantime I have soldered the 30v Transient suppresion diode, made another wireharness, and soldered the AREF.
After this I tried to install the vems (first without turbo ) again but encounterd a few problems mainly due to the new harness.
I use a Hallsensor as primary trigger on a crankwheel with two teeth 180° apart. The sensor gave me some issues regarding not touching the trigger and not having triggererrors on the other side. But after a little manipulation it did its job perfectly!
As far as idle control I have only a mechanical electrical heated auxilary airvalve which is functioning as it should.
Now the engine dies after the afterstart. I played with the ve parameters but nothing changes???