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he VVC is operated by a piston that is moved by oil flow controlled by 2 solenoids, this is then backed up by a cam phase sensor so the ECU can then tell what position the piston is in and an oil temperature sensor so it can vary the amount of oil based on how thin it is.It is truely variable as the ECU can choose any cam dration at any rev not like the honda that can only pick between 2 cam durations, although you could simply do this by having your ECU pump the piston all the way at one rev and then back the other way as it comes back down the revs do it would operte like the honda.I have seen VVC engines run without the VVC setup, more often this is done by locking the piston in place at about half way, the VVC mechs will be fine with this. (half way is where the eccentric disks are about central so they are pretty much doing nothing, at the low revs the adjust the open period shorter and at high rev longer, in the midddle you are pretty much just getting the cam spinning the same speed all the way round.)