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Does your timing light is fixed to 0deg? If you use "smart" timing light with adjustable angle it calculates flash time from previous two spark events. And that cause some imprecision.From what you trigger your timing light?Gints
If you trigger strobe light from low voltage side there is a risk to trigger at wrong signal edge. If angle is fixed in software but strobed angle drifts as rpms rising - probably strobe takes start of coil charging as trigger event.My timing light is this case works right if clamp is slightly opened. Or spark cable is used between coil and spark plug.And use 0deg on strobe light - then it hopefully fires directly at spark event. Mine does. You can fix 0deg in VEMSTune by typing 0.3 instead of 0. Regarding VEMS. I would use div by 9 or even div by 3. More teeth [should] give more precision: less time to accumulating error since last tooth before spark event passes the sensor.Gints