Author Topic: strange triggering  (Read 29061 times)

Offline MWfire

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Re: strange triggering
« Reply #30 on: May 11, 2013, 02:50:02 pm »
only cam edge.
1.1.12 firmware:
"for missing tooth trigger (60-2, 36-1, etc...) with camsync, secignore=246 (which is 256-10) means that sectrig pulse coming at tooth 0-10 is ignored

    this is useful if sectrig normally comes right before tooth0 (which is the pulse after the missing tooth), as in some BMW (sectrig pulse at the middle of the missing gap 6..12 crankdeg before tooth0 pulse; with HALL the chosen edge can help but not with VR sensor), but sometimes sectrig is delayed to slightly after tooth0 (either because of VVTI action, or cambelt sloppyness, or agressive clutch action). With this config it tolerates this and does not resync (no stumble)
    another example: secignore=240 (which is 256-16) means that sectrig pulse coming at tooth 0-16 is ignored. Example values:
    secignore=246..250 for wheel with 22 or more teeth,
    secignore=250..253 for wheel with 10..11 teeth
    secignore=253 for wheel with 7 teeth
    secignore=254 might work for wheel with 5 teeth (or even less) but it's not recommended: sectrig pulse should NOT come near the primtrig missing tooth for any low toothcount wheel (or any homemade wheel, since those should be HALL anyway, and it's easy to satisfy this condition by choosing the right primtrig edge and sectrig edge)
    secignore=255 means sectrig pulse is not ignored, no matter at what position it comes.

Offline Marty

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Re: strange triggering
« Reply #31 on: May 12, 2013, 06:08:49 pm »
Ok, so I enabled the "Filter" setting, and set the Ignore secondary Trigger above 250
Does this look right?

Offline Marty

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Re: strange triggering
« Reply #32 on: May 12, 2013, 11:51:37 pm »
I took it for a spin with the settings above, and it was better but still errored just below 4000 rpm.
- so nice to finally hit a little boost, but still falling short  :-\
I also have 0 diagnostic know how here, but my thought is to try 249 for the filter parameter. Is that a bad idea?

Offline MWfire

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Re: strange triggering
« Reply #33 on: May 13, 2013, 09:35:42 pm »
Did you put 1.1.12 firmware?
Try to put just show.
Do you have log of drive?
Can you change

Offline GintsK

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Re: strange triggering
« Reply #34 on: May 14, 2013, 10:39:48 am »

Offline Marty

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Re: strange triggering
« Reply #35 on: May 15, 2013, 08:07:05 pm »
I'm out of town until Sunday, so I can't verify firmware, but I did try to run the firmware updater the other day. I did not verify it's success, and it was rather quick and didn't report a success/fail status (that I noticed).
- I'm also assuming in advance that the 1.2.12 is the latest, and you're not suggesting that I put 'prior' firmware on it(?).
here is the latest log from the other day.

I'll verify the remaining details on Sunday, and take a run with the filter setting set as "Just show".

Offline Marty

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Re: strange triggering
« Reply #36 on: May 19, 2013, 09:57:19 pm »
OK, I did the firmware update and made the recommended changes.
- If I re-run the updater it shows that I have 1.2.12 currently installed; however at the bottom of the application it shows Config file version 1.2.11. I edited and re-saved the config file but that did not update it to 1.2.12. Not sure if that's important.
Here is a shot of a log file, showing the area where the misfire happens. I put arrows showing the items "I" currently suspect as problematic. Is there anything else that stands out here?

Here is the entire logfile

Offline GintsK

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Re: strange triggering
« Reply #37 on: May 20, 2013, 12:02:13 pm »
What engine is it? Self made 60-2? Or?

Mostly you have less primary trigger error.
It is possible to configure 5 cyl engine in wasted spark mode. It would eliminate secondary trigger part with diagnostic purpose. Try to find that topic here.


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Re: strange triggering
« Reply #38 on: May 20, 2013, 01:17:34 pm »
The engine is an Audi AAN, and the 60-2 is from 034 Motorsport.
Ill look try the wasted spark setup, and determine if things improve.

Offline MWfire

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Re: strange triggering
« Reply #39 on: May 20, 2013, 10:49:22 pm »
If you have 5 cop(coils) than it's easy to set wasted spark.

Offline GintsK

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Re: strange triggering
« Reply #40 on: May 21, 2013, 06:42:37 am »
BTW in new firmwares engine works without camsymc sensor after successive start. So you can try unplug cam sensor on working engine and do a test run.

Offline gunni

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Re: strange triggering
« Reply #41 on: May 21, 2013, 10:51:16 pm »
Only if configured, I´m not confident in how it will work if the ignition outputs are sequential and the trigger refrence table doesn´t repeat itself.

Offline Marty

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Re: strange triggering
« Reply #42 on: May 23, 2013, 03:31:36 pm »
I attempted the 2 scenarios:
1) setting up with wasted spark: I could not get this to work because it appears I need the logical, or stepper ignition output to make this work. I have 5 independent coils wired to 5 drivers (see image of the coils on page 2 of this thread). When I attempt to set the ignition values, I am limited to the 8 physical drivers; also the UI keeps resetting my 'cylinders' value (in engine setup) from "10" to "1" when saving. This seems to be a software problem, but maybe it's just that my current configuration is clashing with what I'm trying to do.
It seems like wasted spark won't be an option without some re-configuration of my entire ignition solution though.

2) I did start the car in the garage and then unplugged the secondary. There was no hesitation or stumble when I did this, so I proceeded to rev it up, and I still observed the "Less pr. trig" error when I reached that point. (This was done using my current 'best' configuration)

I did adjust the Crank sensor to be very close to the trigger wheel, at about 1.0 mm; this got me to 3800 RPMs before the trigger error, so a mild improvement. The fact that moving the sensor is the only thing that has shown any kind of change throughout all of this troubleshooting makes me think that VR sensor is the issue.
I ordered a new sensor, the type from an Audi/VW 1.8t so we'll see if that helps. It won't arrive until Wed unfortunately so more waiting...

Guess I'll work on another project in the meantime.  ::)
« Last Edit: May 23, 2013, 03:52:43 pm by Marty »

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Re: strange triggering
« Reply #43 on: May 23, 2013, 04:34:49 pm »
How well is the sensor aligned to the trigger pattern?

Offline Marty

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Re: strange triggering
« Reply #44 on: May 23, 2013, 05:17:53 pm »
If you are asking whether the sensor is centered with the trigger wheel edges, I carefully aligned it some time back, and re-verified while adjusting it yesterday.