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Audi 200 20 V confused with the pinout of the 55 Motronic connector

Started by steewax, September 21, 2021, 12:05:16 PM

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Hi guys,

I have a Audi 200 with the 20V 3b engine. 6 Years ago I ordered the VEMS and it was installed with the help of a friend. It was running back in the days and it still does but now after 6 years I'm interested to understand a bit better how the VEMS works and so I'm playing arround with VEMS tune a lot lately.

However my biggest issue is that I don't have a real pinout of my VEMS ECU with the 55 Motronic connector. Most of the stuff I could figure out (obviously cause the engine is running) but I'm really struggeling with the extra Outputs and Inputs.

I know I have next to the 55 PIN Motronic connector 2 x 10 Pin econoseal connectors and I received when I bought the VEMS a Pinout for those. 1 contains mostly outputs which are used for the ignition (i converted to seperate ignition with seperate coils) and one contains mcp3208 inputs.

Since the VEMStune only shows the econoseal 18 and 36 Pinout im still horribly confused which Pin of the imaginary econoseal connector connects to my real 55 Pin motronic connector.

Just to give you some examples:

a) I want to use the Boost gauge channel --> under output channels I can choose a lot of output types and then it shows me the PIN of the econoseal --> but how to figure out which Pin I have to use in my 55 Pin Connector

b) I have the extra LCD Display in my car. I know I could setup a physical button to skip though pages. In the VEMS Menu inside "Input Channels" I can choose LCD change input: 0...7 ; how to know which Pins these numbers 0...7 would be

c) Warning light, it would be great to connect this to my warning light in the instrument cluster. Same issue I don,t know which of the channels I can choose connect to which Pin in the 55 Motronic connector. I can choose between INJgroup, SPECFET, I259, S259, P259. To be honest Im not even sure whats the difference between those.

However thanks for reading this long text. If anybody has some hints or tips for it would be very appreciated.

Thanks a lot
