Author Topic: TOYOTA Celica GT4 trigger  (Read 37660 times)

Offline Wayne

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TOYOTA Celica GT4 trigger
« on: December 07, 2009, 07:18:39 pm »

TOYOTA Celica GT-four

24 tooth VR trigger and 1 teeth VR cam sync trigger. Want to drive wasted spark with the BOSCH coil from webshop.
When cam sync trigger is by its sensor, than the engine is 30 degrees before top death point cyl. 1.
VEMS Firmware 1.1.17beta
My question is, which values I have to set on the following tables.
I have tried to find out some documentation to gat the answers by myself for uncountable hours
So please explain me the tables below.
•   TDC after trigger      is it right, when i fill in 30 ?
•   Number of theeth on wheel   my wheel has 24 tooth, so i type 24 ?
•   Tirgger tooth         what is this ? is this the first teeth after the trigger of the second wheel,…
•   Next trigger tooth      what is this ?  means this that all 6 tooth from the trigger 1 is an ignition event ?
•   Crank min. period      what is this ?
•   Tooth Normal Relative min%   ???????
•   Tooth Normal Relative max%   ????????
•   Tooth Missing Relative min%   ???????
•   Tooth Missing Relative max%   ??????????

Secondary Trigger :

•   TODO! Should be 0x02 when disabled!   ????????
•   Use                  I have to choose „cam sync“ ????
•   Rising edge               is this in degrees and is this the position, where the first trigger wheel is ?
•   Falling edge               what does this maen
•   Angular width of tooth         ???????
•   Angular width of missing tooth      I have no missing tooth,….  ???
•   Engine phase, when to reset         ???????

is anyone out there who can explain me the trigger settings ?

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Re: TOYOTA Celica GT4 trigger
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2009, 03:37:56 pm »
Now I tried some different values, but i can't get any rpm readings on the display when I drive thr sensor with a drilling machine. I only get the value of approx 500 rpm with different tooth values.

My firmware is 1.1.27beta,
is it possible that this is the wrong firmware ?


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Re: TOYOTA Celica GT4 trigger
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2009, 01:57:36 am »
1.1.18 is what I've had plenty of 24+1 systems working with, try that or go for one of the new 1.1.6x firmwares

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Re: TOYOTA Celica GT4 trigger
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2009, 03:22:27 pm »
Thank's Rob, now I changed firmware to 1.1.18 and set the values al follows

I drive the sensors with a drilling machine and the rpm reading is max. 500rpm.
What I have to chsnge, that it could work.

I think the right rpm must be around 3000rpm, because the drilling machine makes 1500rpm.


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Re: TOYOTA Celica GT4 trigger
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2009, 12:35:24 am »
Cool - its looking promising.
Lets turn off the secondary trigger first and get a stable reading from the main trigger.
I'd set the Number of teeth to 12 - remember that this is distributor mounted trigger and runs at half engine speed, the ECU will count 12 teeth and then count that as one revolution which will be correct.

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Re: TOYOTA Celica GT4 trigger
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2009, 12:28:03 am »
now I changed the primary number of teeth to 12, and nothing happened,
the rpm reading was allways the half of the drilling machine.
When I chande the "next trigger tooth" from 6 to 3, then I can read the
rpm of the drilling machine. But I need to read drilling macjne x2.

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Re: TOYOTA Celica GT4 trigger
« Reply #6 on: December 15, 2009, 12:41:24 am »
here is an oszi picture from the trigger signals after the LM1815 (straight to the µP)

I hope there is no error ?

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Re: TOYOTA Celica GT4 trigger
« Reply #7 on: December 15, 2009, 01:48:35 pm »
ok now I think it works.
whats about the "constant for rpm calc." this value was 750 and now I set them
to 3000. -> and It works !!!

The number of tooth on wheel is now 24.
Only one question, have I set the trigger tooth 0 and next to 6 or other values ?


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Re: TOYOTA Celica GT4 trigger
« Reply #8 on: December 15, 2009, 04:20:26 pm »
You can set trigger tooth to which ever tooth will give you a TDC after trigger of 60 to 90 deg.  The next trigger will always be 6 - as this number is relative to the trigger tooth.

Your scope trace needs to show the output from both of the LM1815 chips so that you can ensure that 24 pulses are delivered to the AVR from the primary to a single secondary pulse.

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Re: TOYOTA Celica GT4 trigger
« Reply #9 on: December 15, 2009, 07:11:45 pm »
The green one is the secondary trigger, the measuring bars of the scope stands on the teeth of the trigger.

When the sec trigger comes, the position of the crank is 40 before TDC of cyl. 1,
is it ok, when i set first trigger to "3" (which is 70deg. after TDC) and next to "9".


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Re: TOYOTA Celica GT4 trigger
« Reply #10 on: December 15, 2009, 09:02:37 pm »
 :-[ Yes - I can see the TWO traces now you've pointed them out  :-[

The second trigger is relative to the first, as you have 6 teeth between each cylinder thats the value you go for, moving the primary tooth will always end up moving the second, so when you set first trigger to 3 and the next to 6 it will trigger on tooth 3 and 9 (6+3) then 15 and finally 21.
More complicated tooth arrangements are defined in the h[1] table, but we'll worry about them later.

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Re: TOYOTA Celica GT4 trigger
« Reply #11 on: December 16, 2009, 03:05:22 pm »
Thanks for your help,
the next plan I have, is to hook them up in the car, to make the first start up.

reguards Thomas

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Re: TOYOTA Celica GT4 trigger
« Reply #12 on: February 09, 2010, 01:27:01 pm »
Yesterday I started to fire up the engine,
nothing comes out of the engine !!!
We saw ignition looks like it will be within the timing
but i cant check how often it fires,
on cyl.1 i checked, if the injection fires, also ok.

result   ...  nothing

whats wrong ???


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Re: TOYOTA Celica GT4 trigger
« Reply #13 on: February 09, 2010, 02:27:54 pm »
Have you done a visual inspection of the plugs?  Make sure the body of the plugs are earthed and the tops connected to the distributor and check that each one is getting a spark.
Then its time for the timing light - check each one is firing and notionally in the right place.

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Re: TOYOTA Celica GT4 trigger
« Reply #14 on: February 09, 2010, 03:01:13 pm »
I checked all plugs,
yesterday my first step was to check the timing with
timing light, and i set them 10 deg before tdc cyl1.

at the next i connected the injectors,
then i want to start.
after some start up test with no result, i checked the ignition
timing again, i saw only one ignition event and then nothing.
I charge the battery and try again.
I saw more ing events and then nothing.
I connect a lamp on injector plug 1 and saw them flashing.
I check the plug from cyl 1 and it is dry no fuel ????

Could it be, that the battery has to low voltage to start the engine???