Ctrl+A, Q/W/E/R
Oké thanx. That works. Where can you find these simple things. Not in f1
And the rest. Are these question suppit or hard to anwser?
How can I have a collision with vvti channel, while I cant find vvti anywhere in VT?
What's wrong with these's cooling settings. (apart from not beeing tuned jet)
-38 200
-26 160
-14 140
- 2 125
10 115
22 110
34 108
46 104
58 102
70 100
The Tooth wheel width should be 6 deg on 60 - 2 .....duh! Why does the warning stay?
My first tooth is physicly 120 btdc, so I set my trigger to 10 ad next to 30. Vems can't cope with 120 btdc!
What should I set in reverence table? "10 and 40" or "10 and 30"?
Shiftcut: I checked all is diabled but it keeps telling me to check shiftcut input.
Boost_egtdec No matter what, it go's back to -85 and 616 I don't understand how this works at all.
And what does map corr do. Why do you have to correct map/rmp when you have ve-map
Should I just ignore these warnings???