To adjust the Inj Open Time, you need to do a test.
Make a run to a certain RPM, and apply a fair bit of load. You want the injector time to go to 3ms or more to get the injector in its linear range.
Anyway, when you pick a rpm/load spot, do a test run, and then add or subtract 10% fuel. The warmup table is handy for this. Then do the test again, and see if the Lambd is lower/higher by exactly 10%, or if it is 4% or 13% for example.
The correct dead time (Inj Open) will give you exacting results when you trim the fuel by XX%.
Andrey has a custom firmware with standard injector dead time vs. battery voltage setting. He also has an excel calculator that converts the VEMS settings into the more traditional numbers like you see on the chart.