Hello all......
well, it is a sad time for me.....
I have several VEMS V3.1 computers, accessories and wiring harness sets that need to be sold, and I know of no better place than here to list them...
All are new in the box and never completely 100% assembled. One unit is 95% completed by VEMS and the other is a kit.
Please help me sell these to members here who can get some use out of these awesome systems and at a discounted price.
I am Located in Texas, USAI can ship these items to foreign countries, as long as we have a verified way to send and accept payment.
Basically Ready to run unit with Wiring Harnesses, Econo 36 and 18 connector housings and the aluminum case and ends and WBO2 harness:
Asking $550 shipped!for the almost ready to run unit including WB02 harness and everything pictured on the left side of the main picture below:
HD 44780 GREEN LCD - No hard case for it though.... -
free to ready to run setup95% complete unit with Wiring harness, Econo 36 and 18 pin connectors (male and female), and misc. components remaining to be installed ......