With a cam you get some horrible HC readings at low speed, although we got good emissions with a CA18DET running 1000cc injectors and 265 cams.
The first thing to try and clean-up the emissions is to try changing the injector sequence when using a 6 gas analyser, you'll see the HC and CO drop suddenly when the sequence is right. This was shown clearly on the Mk2 RS Turbo APT did, it was spitting raw fuel out the exhaust and on the verge of stalling with a 1% change in VE, getting the sequence right brought the gasses within spec, then using the Injector opening time variable fine tuned the setup. The PW was something like 2.3ms when it started but a drop to 2.2ms would cause it to stall, afterwards it was sitting sweetly at 1.9ms because it was able to burn the fuel properly.