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Can someone give me a hint at what to look at to solve these problems bench testing (firmware 1.0.69): * MAP doesn't move with pressure changes o Pin 3 has 4.97V, pin 1 is ~1.8V -- seems right, just not represented through the AVR o Calibration in basic settings (kpafac), depending on map sensor range, fine tune with offset + I screwed up the map sensor range and the kpa fuelcut settings somewhere along the line, fixing that solved the MAP problem and the injection problem too. * Fuel injectors don't fire o There's +5V at the input of the injector driver, 0V on the output of the injector driver (no pulses from the AVR). o caused by the bad map sensor calibration in combination with low kpa fuelcut * Setting up IGN_DUAL_OUT for channel 0+1, and 5+6 only 1 and 6 flash with signalgen trigger applied o Broken in firmware 1.0.69, run 1.0.71 instead + Going to 1.0.71 worked wonders. Thanks! I added a note to the 1.0.69 section of the firmware page too. It was there, but I added it in a more logical place for me at least.
I never use the Wizards, just step up 10 at a time, then 5, 3, 2, 1 until you get the closed throttle one value below the point where it shows 1%. Then I do the same for WOT stepping down 10 at a time.