Author Topic: Secondary trigger trace on trigger analyzer?  (Read 5646 times)

Offline wazzu70

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Secondary trigger trace on trigger analyzer?
« on: October 25, 2013, 05:37:20 am »
I am curious if the secondary trigger trace would show up on the triggerlog if my sensor is wired in, but it is not enabled?

My cam sensor is a VR so I am not sure if I just don't get a trace at low RPMs because its not generating a strong enough signal, or if my sensor is not working. Testing with a volt meter the sensor has proper resistance and it seemed to work fine before the VEMS was installed.

I am just curious mostly if I will see a trace with the secondary trigger disabled in software, or if I need to enable it for the trace to be recognised? If I enable cam-sync, how can I set things up so the engine will run without a signal to sync with?

My unit is configured to work with a secondary VR sensor, just to be clear.

BMW E30 M42 project

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Re: Secondary trigger trace on trigger analyzer?
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2013, 09:23:59 am »
For the secondary trigger to show up in trigger log it needs to be enabled (power cycle ecu after enable/disable). If just to verify functionality dont worry about additional setup just take out injector and ignition fuse during trigger test.

Cranking the engine 5 seconds or more while taking the triggerlog should show both primary and secondary pulses. When verified remember to disable secondary trigger again until properly configurated.

Regards, Dave

Offline wazzu70

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Re: Secondary trigger trace on trigger analyzer?
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2013, 05:42:26 am »
BMW E30 M42 project