Author Topic: What else can adjust timing  (Read 7486 times)

Offline Agriv8

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What else can adjust timing
« on: April 11, 2007, 08:52:21 am »
Hopefully round three this eve with a borrowed sealy timing gun that has worked happily on wasted spark systems. Until my cheap one arrives

When I was investigating at the weekend ( sparks supplied by the original dizzie ) I noticed that even though I had set

   adv on the 1st 3 rows of the Spark table to 0 ( checked watching the green bobble )
   Set the adv to 0 in the 'Primary cranking and after start'

The Advance gauge on the megatune was showing that it was still advancing the timing by 7 deg.

   I haven’t got a knock sensor so we can count that out.
   I haven’t got an EGT (Though interestingly if I pull up the  Mega tune EGT gauge it flickers from 0 to full while running )

So thinking logically ( dangerous I know ) something must be deciding that I need 7 deg advance but what else can adj the timming?

  A few other points that may have a bearing  - throtle at 2 to 3 % ( as I have no ICV fitted so Throtle valve opened on stop adjuster)   
  Map sensor fitted and seems to be working Ok
  Lambda sensor fitted and calibrated
  Auto learn switched off

Thanks in advance or should that be thancks for advice on advance

Regards Agriv8
'The older I get the faster I was'

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Re: What else can adjust timing
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2007, 09:28:15 am »
There's a weird setting in the knock sensor setup on MT that can give a static advance like you describe.  I can't remember what it's called, only that it caught me out once.

Offline Agriv8

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Re: What else can adjust timing
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2007, 09:52:06 pm »
Dave Thanks

you set me off in the right direction in the knock detection settings there does not seem to be a disable option ( one for future release ?? ) but there is a feild for adjusting advance mine was set to 0.25 ( assume a multiplier comes into force - or over ride that if there in nothing back from the knock sensor - possibly gone bad - set the advance high to protect the engine from detination  ) set that to 0.00 and advance sits at 0 on the advance megatune gauge.


'The older I get the faster I was'