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Vemstune map bin bug?

Started by z0tya, July 23, 2009, 08:57:42 PM

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I wrote this to wiki, but I have not answer.
In vemstune (the two newest version have seen) can't put bigger map bin than 255. With 1.1.27 and with 1.1.56 too. We use 3bar map sensor.
Is this a bug or something wrong in my config.



You have to set it to high boost..
working on the boxer


Sorry but where?
Map range unit=2
Kpa range unit=2

But if i change it to 4,4 the thing similar:
Value is incorrect or out of range

(I am offline editing, w/o genboard)


I have the same Problem!
I use the VEMS PNP Box with 500Kpa Sensor.
Has nobody an idea why it is or know how to change it?
maybe it works with 1.1.57????


Has anyone else this problem of a version from 1.1.50 used?


Quote from: z0tya on July 24, 2009, 01:36:58 PM
Sorry but where?
Map range unit=2
Kpa range unit=2

But if i change it to 4,4 the thing similar:
Value is incorrect or out of range

(I am offline editing, w/o genboard)

Is this a Bug from VEMSTUNE or the Firmware?
Where can help us?


been looking into the latest vemstune myself and have the same issue


Is it because Vemstune or the newer firmware problem?


i dont know.but it does not work 1.1.56 and 1.1.57 as well


got an email from Marcell,

this appears to be a bug.It measures correctly but only shows half values,so it is still supposed to work properly. They are on to it though


Is that the one charge of about 1.5 bar can drive?
Or I understand it wrong?
Halve values what does that mean exactly?
If this fixes in 1.1.58?


The way i understood it was that 255 actually equals 510kpa and 126-127= 256kpa.So if you use as the top value of 255 on the table that will be equivalent to 510kpa horizontal line.

This does not need a new firmware to fix, possibly a vemstune update.This has to do with the software rather than the firmware.I dont know excactly but they are on it


Ok now I thank it understand.then I will Vemstune with 1.1.57 again install and test :-)


nope. 1.1.57 does the same as well. tried it


There is now a new version Vemstune where the bug is fixed.Version 28.8.09
Unfortunately, this version without the table switch and non-MAT is retard :-(