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New Firmware on a Audi S2 RS2

Started by audis2turbo, May 06, 2009, 09:00:23 PM

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which newer firmware is function on a Audi S2 With the stock Vr and Hallsensor???135 Tooth Wheel!
I use the 1.1.27 Firmware with the VEMS PNP Unit.
I will use the 16x14 VE and Sparktables and MAT corection...

Greets AudiS2Turbo


You can try whatever you want.

I would prefer 1.1.5x. But Megatune have no .ini file for that. If You can survive with Vemtune - go for it! Much of useful functions and solved problems are in. For both: street using and racing too.

Other good alternative is 1.1.44



1.1.47v2 if you want good boost controler(faster spool, no overboost and boost depending on gear)


What boost control strategy you mean?


I have 1.1.50 and the 1.1.44alpha already tried (tested).
The engine will not jump and has only backfire at cranking.

although I use the settings from Megatune and had inserted in Vemstune.

which is why I accepted so that the firmware is not yet with my trigger signals cope.

I hope you can help me.
Thanks from Germany


Quote from: GintsK on May 07, 2009, 12:26:16 AM
What boost control strategy you mean?
1.1.47v2 has boost ref dc table(6*12(16 if is 16x14 firmware). So you can put 12(16) values depending on rpm for every gear. So if your turbo has 1bar at 4000rpm with manual boost controler, you can put 100% (full closed waste gate) until 3300rpm and slow open wastegate. Whit that config i achieve betther spool(400-500rpm earlier), no overboost and rising boost over 5500rpm(when VE start falling) so i have constant torque from 4000-7000rpm(stock connetcion rods).
Very good featurr(must have for strong FWD cars), but no available in 1.1.5x :(  :'(


im about to use 1.1.44 version tomorrow when i will get VEMS for the first time.

im always interested in new things and versions. from your description the 1.1.47 boost feature is very nice. Did they take it out on 1.1.50?


Quote from: A80Avant on May 07, 2009, 02:41:18 AM
im about to use 1.1.44 version tomorrow when i will get VEMS for the first time.

im always interested in new things and versions. from your description the 1.1.47 boost feature is very nice. Did they take it out on 1.1.50?

1.1.50 doesn't have that boost feature:(.


Quote from: MWfire on May 07, 2009, 02:43:01 AM
Quote from: A80Avant on May 07, 2009, 02:41:18 AM
im about to use 1.1.44 version tomorrow when i will get VEMS for the first time.

im always interested in new things and versions. from your description the 1.1.47 boost feature is very nice. Did they take it out on 1.1.50?

1.1.50 doesn't have that boost feature:(.

I think have! Table is still there. 12x12 but with independent axis - it is even better, because turbo limitation usualy takes place only on 1/2 or 1/3 of all Rpm range. so previous only half of table was useful. Now - all.
Bad thing MT ini file no output for logging this PWM otput...

On 1.1.44 this table with TPS, EGT, IAT limitations also works nice! No speed sensor.


ill start on the 1.1.44 and wait until the 1.1.50 version is complete to work with


Quote from: GintsK on May 07, 2009, 02:55:37 AM
Quote from: MWfire on May 07, 2009, 02:43:01 AM
Quote from: A80Avant on May 07, 2009, 02:41:18 AM
im about to use 1.1.44 version tomorrow when i will get VEMS for the first time.

im always interested in new things and versions. from your description the 1.1.47 boost feature is very nice. Did they take it out on 1.1.50?

1.1.50 doesn't have that boost feature:(.

I think have! Table is still there. 12x12 but with independent axis - it is even better, because turbo limitation usualy takes place only on 1/2 or 1/3 of all Rpm range. so previous only half of table was useful. Now - all.
Bad thing MT ini file no output for logging this PWM otput...

On 1.1.44 this table with TPS, EGT, IAT limitations also works nice! No speed sensor.
in 1.1.47v2 y axis is gear(1..6), not kPa.


but if you dont have that gear feature and you have a spooling turbo of 4000rpm, if you do ask from it to boost from earlier rpm wouldnt it do the same thing anyway?

for example if you have a turbo that gives you 1 bar @ 4000rpm on 1st , 2nd, 3d gear (but it also gives you 1bar from 3500rpm on higher gears) , if you map to ask 1bar from 3500rpm , wouldnt it give you the same thing anyway?


Quote from: A80Avant on May 07, 2009, 01:20:56 PM
but if you dont have that gear feature and you have a spooling turbo of 4000rpm, if you do ask from it to boost from earlier rpm wouldnt it do the same thing anyway?

for example if you have a turbo that gives you 1 bar @ 4000rpm on 1st , 2nd, 3d gear (but it also gives you 1bar from 3500rpm on higher gears) , if you map to ask 1bar from 3500rpm , wouldnt it give you the same thing anyway?
yes, but i think gear depending boost is better solution, because you one more degree of freedom(if you don't have speedsensor, then you use always 1 gear).


Quote from: MWfire on May 07, 2009, 03:19:30 PM
Quote from: A80Avant on May 07, 2009, 01:20:56 PM
but if you dont have that gear feature and you have a spooling turbo of 4000rpm, if you do ask from it to boost from earlier rpm wouldnt it do the same thing anyway?

for example if you have a turbo that gives you 1 bar @ 4000rpm on 1st , 2nd, 3d gear (but it also gives you 1bar from 3500rpm on higher gears) , if you map to ask 1bar from 3500rpm , wouldnt it give you the same thing anyway?
yes, but i think gear depending boost is better solution, because you one more degree of freedom(if you don't have speedsensor, then you use always 1 gear).

have you got an Audi car and if so how have you wired it / got the config so the ecu knows what gear the car is in?