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1.1.47 with experimental features

Started by Sambas, December 28, 2008, 09:08:21 PM

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Ok, found the problem, need to do re-release.
Firmware, Software and Hardware


Could you make(compile) this my_make so i can test boost controler on car thise weekend?


Quote from: MWfire on January 03, 2009, 01:04:35 AM
Could you make(compile) this my_make so i can test boost controler on car thise weekend?

Here you are, firmware only
Firmware, Software and Hardware


Quote from: MWfire on January 02, 2009, 11:40:50 PM (up pin is 1., down 4.)

or if you use ps cable, black is GND(1. pin on vems), yellow is clock( on vems)

d27 is 5.1V zener diode.

Schematics crop is confusing. I vote for 1nF cap ;)


Thanks Sambas fore all the hard work.

Nobody is really using the knock I think so it would be cool if we could get this to work so have any one tested alternative knock?

Happy New Year


Quote from: GintsK on January 03, 2009, 03:30:22 AM
Schematics crop is confusing. I vote for 1nF cap ;)
Yes, 1nF is correct value.


I have some cars where knock control  really needed. If this feature can work and can be tuned in reasonable time, it is great weapon to get all juice from engine. Protected engine!

Here is some info about:

Keyword selfcalibration.

Ascona 400

I do really need the knock control as well and right now I'm looking other solutions then the onboard chip.
And the best solution so far is to use a box from Phormula called KS4 and log the 0-5v output from this box and connect it to one of the analog inputs at the Vems box. There is an example from an log on their web page.

The main reason for this is that when using E85 as fuel, you really can't hear the knocking and with the Phormula box I will be able to "see" how the engine sounds via the log.
So I would like to see that we could log the output from the knock chip in the same way the I can do it with the Phormula box.
Is this possible in some way?

[email protected]

You can get some of the knock noise info out of the Datalog with some modification of the .ini file.
dnb did a modification of the ini file for his knock experiments, try PMing him to see if he can tell us the method behind the mod.



I have previous KS-3 Knock sense model. It use same chip as VEMS. KS works only from frequency. It do not knew nothing about rpms, load etc. My ears, when Peltor headphones used, is more reliable.

Also I have sound amplifier from Phormula. I must say my self-made amplifier with filter is much more handy. Amplifier from Phormula has very primitive construction - it is wide band: schoolboy electronics. So my hearing is loaded with every kind of engine noise.

Also Phormula knock listener has clear sound until you attach KS to them. KS is powered from cigarette lighter and then alternator and other noises comes in.


Yes the KS-3 is pretty much a simple solution it stores a max value and anything higher is knock but maybe we could have this fore third solution.

Could it be possible to have a look op table that stores data automatically if you advanced the ignition manual (Vt button) and did some test runs?

There are people in her that knows haw Subaru due the knocksens could be nice to hear from them.




I haven't tried to use knock-sensing on VEMS yet but I could really make use of this feature on my E85 fueled race-car. Obviously not when tuning but more like safety feature during race.


#set KNOCK_ALTERNATIVE    "Experimental"
#set EXPERIMENTALS "Experimental"

Message is almost similar on 16x14 and 12x12.

??? ???


Only an observation, I would have thought to set knock_alternative, you need to remove the # infront of set??