
When asking for technical help at the very least let us know the version of firmware you are running.
Cliff's Calibration (Mapping) Guide is a MUST READ:,97.0.html

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Confusion Strikes

Started by spoon, May 24, 2008, 01:59:33 PM

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Hi guys got my loom adapter and kit on monday all is now wired up and checked but cannot get any communication so i read the user guide and it said change the first line of megatune.cfg. Problem being i don't have this file. i've downloaded two versions of megatune 2.25 one reccomended by rob for another nisssan user and i still can't find it. the original on the cd doesn't work just gives me a errror message saying megatune has stopped working? help please the last one i downloaded was VemsMT1.1.18Nissan cheers James


Right think the ECU is powered up because i got 't when setting up the communications this afternoon but can't get input in megatune. In the documentation it says when a connection is establsihed you should see gauge movement when the ignition is turned on but i get nothing. Whats gone wrong? Also when i first got the ecu to connect my fuel pump started and my vvt solenoid went mental had to disconnect it to stop it ticking any idea's cheers. James


should say got a success message when setting up comms not a t' oops

[email protected]

Sorry I didnt answer this sooner, I've been off getting a Toyota to fire up and idle, its amazing what a pain in the arse it was!

I've sent you an email with some suggestions, if you can report back on here on the findings that would be cool.

BTW I forgot to ask what sort of serial connection you're using?




Using rs232 serial lead to my serial to usb converter.


It was the IACV not the vvt solenoid sorry my bad again and was using the wrong software cos i'm a fool. Just got to sort out the sensors again because i re read the user guide again and i misinterpretted last time. Got a 2M long silicon pipe for the map which is no good.
??? cheers for the help.

[email protected]

Yeah the IACV may need a diode to control the flyback - theres also a setting:
Extras->Idle PID ref table PWM
At the bottom you'll see IAC position while starting.  These set the degree that the valve will be open when the engine is in its ready to start state. If you set them both to 100 then the IACV will be open, set to 0 then the IACV will be closed, the correct setting depends on your throttle body - some of the Nissan ones have a wax bulb that opens and closes the butterfly to regulate hot and cold starting poisitions - in this case you'd want the IACV closed.


Hi cheers for the info rob got the tps and battery calibrations done map sensors reading seems ok and the temperatures ok to. Just got to get the triggering sorted now. Checked again properly using the s14 manual it is the vvt that was clicking so how do i switch the channels to make the sensor be configured right. Ignition timing in the loom guide says 10 degrees crank advance and h-developments reccommend  14-15 should i use this or 10 for initial setup? cheers  ;D


I set the timing to 15 degrees and through a range of adjustment had it kicking and trying to start a number of times but just won't fully fire. Kev at apex told me to just stick the CAS in at any position because i can adjust the triggering in the software to suit but this didn't work cos you can only adjust by 127 degrees.
So pulled out the CAS and did my best effort at timing the trigger to tdc and it still it kicked and did not fire properly. Went through the adjustments for trigger and tdc with no change. Its just not happening.
Should i try and time the CAS to before TDC and use the adjustment to bring things inline. The timing mark was evading me as well with all the changes we made we only saw it come close to the marker once and it dissapeared and was never to be seen again what have i done wrong.
Could the coil pack feeds be mixed up so the firing order is wrong or something else.
cheers people. ??? ??? ???

[email protected]

There are two possible positions for the CAS to go. The original setting you had there should be good to go so heres my plan:

Set the TDC value back to the original.
Make a mark on the front of the pulley inline with the timing mark so that you can find the timing mark when its miles out. I use a peice of masking or insulation tape.
Try reversing the disk to see if the timing mark is closer to your ideal.

10 degrees is your initial setup cranking advance, isnt H-Dev's 14-15 the idle advance?  If its the cranking advance then you can go to Settings->Priming Cranking Afterstart and change the cranking advance value to 15degrees.

When you're cranking are you getting a good RPM reading?

Make a note of the setting in Extras->Idle settings next to the Idle solenoid channel # label I make mine as 6.  And the value in Extras->MiscOutput Settings in Misc1 output Output channel1 I make mine as 4.
Try setting Misc1's Output channel selector to Disabled in the first instance, this will stop the VVT from being driven.
Then check that the VEMS EC36-pin 6 is connected to the Nissan's pin 4 (the top row of the second set of pins, check the instruction sheet for the pin outs).