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Strange problem

Started by gox, February 20, 2008, 04:49:55 PM

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After few months of working excellent,few hours ago i got a problem.

The car was out,so i parked it in the garage and wanted to fix my EGT wires problem,after i fixed the wires (at EGT connector) i tried to start the car but no success...i noticed that my fuel pump is not working....i checked the wiring,relay,pump....everything is fine,tried again but no luck,then i noticed that there is no RPM reading,so trigger (VR 60-2) is not working either...i checked the sensor and wiring,everything is fine...i didnt touched anything hardware related so i`m sure i didnt made any hardware errors witch will stop unit to work.

Anyone have any suggestion what can be wrong? Didnt had any problem for few months....


E30 2.7 - VEMS,KKK K27.2,Schrick,1bar

[email protected]

Try forcing the fuel pump on by setting its channel to the 'i' value - eg. if its p259 ch 5 set it to p259 ch i5.



I will try it in the morning,but why did i lost rpm reading,what can be wrong with trigger?
E30 2.7 - VEMS,KKK K27.2,Schrick,1bar

[email protected]

Testing the p259 will prove if its working okay.
If the p259 is not working it will pull the 5v supply to the VR sensor chip down.
So no RPM is read.
Hall setups do not loose signal like this as they dont use the VR chip.



The p259 is dead :( i dont know how did i fried did...?!

Where can i get another one?

E30 2.7 - VEMS,KKK K27.2,Schrick,1bar

[email protected]

To get testing again you need to remove the P259, you can cut pin 21 (4th pin from the top on the right) and test the crank trigger:

But you will need to remove the chip in its entirety:

Then desolder the bits of the pins left


Tnx Rob,i sent an email to webshop about requesting a P259,so i`m waiting for an answer.

I will cut that leg an test the trigger,but trigger was working just fine before P259 going dead.
If i made a short contact between two EGT wires,can that frie a P259? That is only way i cant get it fried 'cause i didnt touched anything else....
E30 2.7 - VEMS,KKK K27.2,Schrick,1bar

[email protected]

If you connected the two EGT wires together you made a thermocouple junction, and it would have read the temperatue at the join.
P259s die if pin 26 is not grounded with at least one of the other grounds.



Damn...dint touched the grounds...didnt touched the EC36 at all....

I cut the pin21 and trigger is working,i`m waiting P259 to arrive ;)

Tnx again.
E30 2.7 - VEMS,KKK K27.2,Schrick,1bar


soldered the p259 back in and its all ok ;)

Car is running fine.

Tnx Rob.
E30 2.7 - VEMS,KKK K27.2,Schrick,1bar