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Started by chencho16000, January 22, 2008, 10:08:24 PM

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   My engine start,with configuration 12x12 standard.
   I would like to know if a way simple exists to change the profile, for exemple 12x12 standard to 12x12 high boost, or 12x12 standard to 16x14 high boost. ???

  If I have a a table.txt and a config.txt, It comes from initial configuration, file msq in Vems genboard 12x12 standard.
  Starting off of these table.txt + config.txt, can I create a new msq file with another profile, 16x14 standard for exemple?
  and on the contrary? Starting off of msq file.




[email protected]

Please do not try and use 16x14 mode as it will cause many problems.

You would need to upload the 16x14 firmware by hand, and edit the tables and configs appropriately.

12x12 is more than adiquate for all but very high revving alphaN engines.



If the internal map is 400 kpa, would not have to use the table 12x12 high boost?

[email protected]

Yes, 12x12 high boost is what you'll want.

To change the active profile go into the ProfileActivation folder in the MegaTune/Firmware release
and double-click on 12x12StandardInActivate.bat, 16x14StandardInActivate.bat, 16x14HighBoostInActivate.bat files
And finally double-click on 12x12HighBoostActivate.bat

And each time you start MegaTune you'll find that you are, by default in the high-boost mode


Quote from: [email protected] on January 22, 2008, 11:13:14 PM
Please do not try and use 16x14 mode as it will cause many problems.


I wonder that, what are those many problems when using 16X14?
IÃ,´ve been using that 16X14 and no problems so far.

[email protected]

Problems are caused when saving and loading .msq and .vex files

If you do most of your setup through tables.txt and config.txt you should find that you have no problems


That's good to hear, as DanMartin went to 16 x 14 right after taking his car off the road. He entered all data through the GUI, so he should be fine. The only thing left is to run oil/coolant to the turbo, and fab up the 4" exhaust. We'll see what happens.  ::)
1994 Black SE-R (VEMS, going turbo)
1994 Black SE-R (with sunroof)