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Help needs your help

Started by gunni, July 11, 2016, 09:16:37 AM

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Hello all.

The help in Vemstune isn´t complete and some of the wording can be a little confusing.
Can you guys tell me which help windows needs the most work, which don´t have any help and which need graphics to properly show the function/s

If you want to change the wording then give an example of what your want.


Hello Gunni,

I am still confused with some functions of the new boost control algorithm . Your well explained topic "VEMS new boost control guide " has been copied into the Vems help. However when re-reading it again I asked myself some questions you may answer and help the help.

-"PD control (far from target) : When MAP is within this value of Boost Target "
Is that when
Boost_Target - Map > Value AND Map < Boost_Target ?

- "PD control (far from target)....D will lower it if the rate of change of the MAP is high to avoid overshooting."
Is it the rate of change of Map that is: -D*dMap/dt
the rate of change of the error that is - D*d(Boost_Target - Map )/dt ?

- "PI control (close to target) When MAP is within this value of Boost target "
Is that when
Boost_Target - Map > Value AND Map < Boost_Target ?
When is the I value reset?

- "PID overlap range: When MAP is within this value D is enabled again. So far I don´t know what the option "forever" means, I´ll update when I do."
Does it mean : 
ABS(Boost_Target - Map ) < value ?
"Forever" means  "always PID" but what does "always PID mean? ;)




i would like a help file that makes it easy to setup ,
ign and inj output so when retarding cyl 2 its actully cyl2 that get retarted,

i think this is the biggest setup problem for everybody

not many knows how to set it up so cyl 1 ign and inj1 is shown right,
when mapping and looking at the knock screen it would be great if cyl1 is cyl 1 and so on


working on the boxer


Agree with Denmark
Another confusion could come from the title of lookup tables.
Since they have for purpose to output one value in regards to 1 or 2 values a functional notation 
   output( input1, input2,..) or output [ input1, input2,..]
where the values of the first input are row or columns (on has to decide for all)

"TPS vs. boost ref" -> RefDC[ TPS ]
"Gear Dependent boost Target Table" -> Boost_Target [ Gear, RPM ]
"refDC Table vs boost target" -> RefDC[ Boost_Target, RPM ]
Ignition [ Map, RPM ], Ignition [ TPS, RPM ] (or SparkAngle [ Map, RPM ], ...)
AccelEnrich [ dTPS ] - AccEnr [ dMAP ] (or AccelEnrichment [ dTPS ] ...)
WarmupEnrichment [ CLT ] (or WarmupEnrich [ CLT ]

The table names from the menu item can be more friendly
One also have to choose the style of the labels refDC RefDC ref_dc ...


The pop-ups on Windows 10 is just a white box without text ... I think that should be fixed very soon, shouldn't be a big deal :)

Maybe a function that makes it possible to see the pin-out, which is active, and which are not. With TAGS and so on. Maybe make it possible to write notes at a specific pin which later on can help tracking down a failure? In short ... Just a picture within the software that looks like the one on the paper and ofc with more functions.

Its not a nessity, but it could be nice to have.


Hi Guys,

The question was what specific subjects would need more elaboration in help! Not what other feature might you like or what other bug you might have found, please stay on topic.

@Phil, boostcontrol related, the help is more than elaborate enough; As an example you do not have understand every hose on or bolt on the engine to drive the car. The same goes for boost control.

Best regards, Dave


@Dave "As an example you do not have understand every hose on or bolt on the engine to drive the car. The same goes for boost control"
Probably not, despite a good knowledge of my car, tests of the Piersburg and the OEM SEM control valves, some background in the field and my careful readings of the VT Help  ;D

My suggestions were not to elaborate to any more the wrinting of the boost control help but to simplify and standardize the labels.


@Dave, more seriously, I did it that way because I wanted that the OEM ECU to still run the knock control and be able to control the Boost valve if necessary