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how to delete a logview profile

Started by fphil, August 09, 2015, 12:27:10 PM

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From time to time my VT configuration get corrupted and I need to import a saved one from a previous VT version. (no I did not find an another way, "save layout" does not work for me ;) )

Of course, i happens that I forget to save the actual configuration I have edited and I have to redo the edition. grrrr.
This time I would like  to delete a logview profile I have created by mistake.

Do you know how to proceed?

btw. thank you for any tip how to save a VT configuration that has been re_edited after that a corruption of the config database occurs.


Hello Phil,

View->Editors->Multi graph profiles->select the profile you want to delete in available profiles dropdown list, bottom of dialog press the delete descriptor button.
To manually backup the Multigraph (logviewer) database, copy VemsTune_Install_Dir/config/MultiGraphDesc.db and MultiGraphTheme.db to a safe place, so you can copy it back later :)

Best regards, Dave


Thanks Dave, you save my day   ;)  (I used to right click to call for the Editor)

What's the name of the .db file of the MainOverview config?


Hello Phil,

Depending on your screen's aspect ratio either: gauges-1366x768.db, gauges-1280x800.db or gauges-1024x768.db if you backup and restore all 3 you surely have it (and no downside restoring if unchanged). Just a small note, this database has all gauge groups, not only MainOverview so you backup/restore all at once.

Best regards, Dave


This relates back to my previous comments about how the whole collection of views should be a single file that you can give to other people or to your other machines.

i.e a workbook, that contains sheets, in the sheets you can make any view you want, the sheets should auto resize based on your monitor size/resolution.


Hello Gunni,

Quote from: gunni on August 11, 2015, 12:10:24 AM
This relates back to my previous comments about how the whole collection of views should be a single file that you can give to other people or to your other machines.
i.e a workbook, that contains sheets, in the sheets you can make any view you want, the sheets should auto resize based on your monitor size/resolution.
It already works like that. Copying the databases (currently a manual step) restores all your views on a different PC/Laptop the 3 aspect ratio's files are autoscaled (up) according to device resolution. I'll think of a way to make the procedure a bit more straight forward.

Best regards, Dave


It needs to be a single file available from the File menu, And it needs to incorporate log view and all its sub options as well. So that it all is in a single file.

What could come next would be having configuration items on the actual worksheet like below, so you can have views that incorporate "tuning" without having to go to a menu and open another window.


So what is need is a VT Viewer or VT Light (eg. Mathematica viewer or other) to simply draw the logs data along with their referenced parameters ?



Lets just say that now you have customized

channel min, max, decimal points (descriptors)
log viewer / multiple profiles for various tuning reviews ( fuel, ignition, power, knock, boost etc)
the gauges (sizes locations etc) on various pages

I want all that to be in a single file called a workbook. (.vemsbook) and a part of the Vemstune interface

You should also be able to export tabs/sheets as .vemssheet also apart of the interface and share via email etc or transfer between laptops/desktops etc.

Pipedream : My picture shows Pectel ECU software which has the tables and variables on the sheets and not in the menu structure, so you could build a sheet that contains all the injector setup and relevant gauges to set  the values with all in a single view with graphs, values and curves live. This is how I feel Vemstune should really be,
alot of tabs/sheets vs opening a new window which usually is in your way, but saying that the menu windows are not that bad. Vemstune does allow tables on the sheets/tabs I think allowing individual variables would improve things further.

I thoroughly like having the log viewer as integral part of Vemstune. Not all software has that and its very handy.


To add to this, we could simply have all tabs and then sub tabs, i.e the tabs are same as current menu options, sub tabs are the options within each menu,
then have a custom tab where you can make all kinds of your own tabs