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Having trouble with firmware/connecting to megatune

Started by AjRose, October 11, 2007, 01:15:23 AM

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This is a post of mine from another site.  Thanks for any help

I'm trying to upgrade from 1.0.30 to 1.0.73

Following this site

I have the config.txt and tables.txt files

So I go on to the next step run download-config.bat When I run the program the command prompt says:

Overwriting saved config
ctrl-c to abort
press any key to continue

I closed it out after about 5 mins of just that

I'm sure there is something I missed

Also this is the first time I have tried connecting vems to the laptop It has vista ftl. I also can't connect the vems ecu to megatune It says "no response" when I click to test the connection

And vems is connecting through a usb adapter the laptop is grounded to the car I can connect through bray terminal using "man" or "manmll"

Thanks for any help,


[email protected]

If you're using Bray what gets returned when you send the character S (make sure that you've not sent Man or anything before that)

Using download-config.bat you should see the configuration stream down the screen.

Make sure that the com port is set correctly in the batch file:
Right click on download-config.bat and select Edit, you'll get to see this:
@echo off
echo OVERWRITING saved config
echo ctrl-c to abort
echo -------------------------
if exist config\config.txt del config\config.txt
if exist config\tables.txt del config\tables.txt
tools\megaloader -c com4 -o config\config.txt
tools\megaloader -c com4 -a config\tables.txt

Change the number com4 to the number of the serial port that your USB module is using.

USB serial ports are a pain in the arse, and god knows what Vista is going to be like on top of that.


"S" command returns Vems genboard v3 1.0.30

My mistake I had the terminal program open While trying to use download-config.bat

But now When I use it I get

Config file: config/config.txt

no hello from avr

Tables file: config/tables.txt

no hello from avr

my config.txt and tables.txt files are both empty would this cause that to happen?
I'm not sure how that happened though

[email protected]

Did you reset the VEMS after sending the S?

The empty tables and config files are as a result of the file being opened and then closed because the data didnt download.

I'd really reconsider the upgrade through a Vista box and a USB serial port...  You are likely to have misery and tears ahead of you.



My laptop died I have to use my dads Vista sucks :(

I got it to connect with download-config.bat

I just assume I have to refill out my config.txt,tables.txt for it to work correctly though?

Also I can connect to miniterm In Megatune But When I test the connection I still get no response from megatune.


I succesfully upgraded my firmware and am now connected to megatune.

Thanks for the help Rob ;)

[email protected]

You will find that you need to sort the h[2] table when going from anything before 1.0.7x because the output numbering changed.
There is a post on the forum about it.