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Knock detection

Started by Denmark, August 04, 2013, 11:16:38 AM

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Hi all,

I have just downloaded 1.2.15 to try out the knock setup, but i cant find the knock table anywere, also what is is needed to enable it,
it says 240 disabled, and 241 disabled ??

Anyone ??

working on the boxer


Quote from: Denmark on August 04, 2013, 11:16:38 AM
Hi all,

I have just downloaded 1.2.15 to try out the knock setup, but i cant find the knock table anywere, also what is is needed to enable it,
it says 240 disabled, and 241 disabled ??

Anyone ??


I use "0". To enable knock channel 1.

You must change CompileOptions from 0000005E to 000000DE. To enable KNOCK_ALTERNATIVE.

They are at the beginning of vemsconfig.

# Current Time: 2013-08-04 2:13:55 p.m.
# Creator: VemsTune 1.5.9 (2013-07-23)
# Version: 1.2.15
# Serial Number: v3.3_n001708
# Raw Serial Number: 76 33 2E 33 5F 6E 30 30 31 37 30 38
# CompilationTime: 2013-07-30 24:40
# Signature: VEMS v1.2.15 16x14 kpa = 2.2
# CompileOptions: 000000DE

I have tested 1.2.15 in my car. And knock Alternative seem ok. The only thing is that I have problem with misfiring. The trigger I use is 8 +1. Maybe the developers can answer whether there are changes in the "Trigger code"?

Regards Arvid


Okay thanks

I must give it a try , now I''m just out of time ,as i its work day again tomorrow :)

Is the knock noise able to be seen pr cylinder so i Can see if one cylinder is more prone to knock or is it just one noise treshold that adjust the ignition ?

working on the boxer


upload some logs later, it's really interesting to see how it works.
Vems installer in Lithuania
[email protected]


Quote from: Denmark on August 04, 2013, 05:01:08 PM
Okay thanks

I must give it a try , now I''m just out of time ,as i its work day again tomorrow :)

Is the knock noise able to be seen pr cylinder so i Can see if one cylinder is more prone to knock or is it just one noise treshold that adjust the ignition ?

It is definitely per cylinder

Go for the 2013-08-11 build, previous version had some enrichment issues.


Any news, experience on this?


Works great on my Volvo B230 turbo. Easily finds knock before I can hear it.


At onset of boost there is knock, immediate 5 degree retard can be seen.


Mattias, do you have any config for the knock control for Audi 5 cyl?


Quote from: mattias on September 10, 2013, 09:02:18 PM
At onset of boost there is knock, immediate 5 degree retard can be seen.

This is just perfect , now i just need the time to work it into my own Car to see it live before implanting it on costumers cars :)
working on the boxer


To others who use this feature, it is important to understand that currently the "isKnocking" indicator flag is based on actual knock retard and not knock detection.

What I'm saying is that you can't see the knock detection without using ignition retard as well.

The isKnocking flag is the black line in the first graph of my screenshot above.


Hello Matias,

Thanks for the excellent knock demo!

Some additional info: Since 1.2.2X firmware the isKnocking indicator is based on actual internal knock detected state, no longer on retard only (see the flag help for a bit more elaboration:

Best regards, Dave


I think there is a mess between EcuLogger = disable, which is what we have learnt to set n order  to get Knock enabled and the Knock Sampling menu.

If one tries to get "Knock Channel" =0,  then EcuLogger=Invalid and an alarm is raised but knock signal from the "Knock sensor channel" is seen by fw
If you set EcuLogger = disable, "Knock Channel" =240, which is probably, as I understood, the decimal value of the logical state of the Vems knock function, and which is probably useless for the user, then the knock signal is not recognize.
There are also side effects is the other knock menus.

Does someone know the Vems names for the input and output signals of the knock chip in case there are logged?



Hello Phillipe,

Quoted my answer to your report about this:

"I have verified this and unfortunately this is warning was present and annoying i agree, i have updated configurations to fix this anomaly. Should be available though ini update later today.

The actual firmware function however is not effected, meaning enabling knock with the defaults does disable logging and enabling logging disables knock."

Best regards, Dave


Ok just need to know the point before searching.
btw I was also puzzled the logic of the option  "Defaults" of the knock sampling menu. What means the choice "Default" ?.

Are the input knock signal and the output signal (filtere, amplified) logged somewhere? Under what label?

