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1.2.9 boost PID set up

Started by UrSobsessed, June 09, 2013, 05:56:42 PM

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Hey Guys,

I just updated to 1.2.9 and am looking at the boost PID settings and trying to get them to work.  I'm looking for a good starting point with low boost and then going from there.  Listed below is what I have changed, but the car appears to only be running on spring pressure ~12psi.  I need a bit of help with the refDC table.  I'm assuming that I have to change the y-axis values to something but don't know where to start.  This is on an Audi AAN engine using the stock N75 valve and the stock Audi wastegate.

In Boost Control PID settings:
-Reducing boost refDC over MAT/EGT limits=>enable
-Gear or Speed dependent=>no dependent
-Boost valve off below=>80kpa
-Apply ma DC until=>disabled
-PD control(far)=>-20kpa
-PD control(close)=>-16
-PID overlap=>6kpa
-Boost P=>35
-Boost I=>60
-Boost D=>20
-Boostcontrol PID integral limit=>100
-Boost target=>MAP target
-Reference lookup=>Boost target based
-Boost PWM max value=>100
-Boost PWM min value=>0

When the Reference lookup is set to RPM/gear/speed based(basically the old boost control) the car boosts fine and sees ~21psi.

Thanks for any info you gots!


What does your boost DCref table look like? That´ll be your problem I´m sure.


This table, it appears is the problem.  I'm now seeing that the target #'s need to be added.   I'm messing with it now and will report back...


I was also working a bit on my own Car yesterday and was also setting up the ref dc table,

It does not look like it needs the same dc as the normal dc/rpm setup ?

For 1bar boost across the rpm range , pid off, norma dc/rpm
I needed 55% dc up 5500rpm and then Down to 50% to keep 1bar to 8000tpm

But with pid on and the new table i need 50% up to 5000rpm and then Down to 38% , if i keep it at 50% the boost raised to 1.35bar

So it looks like i need to work on the pid settings

working on the boxer


Was the output boost duty not the same? if not it doesn´t really make much sense to get the same amount of boost with two different output values. Or where you effectively adjusting the table DC values up and down but maintaining the target boost?

Turn off all PID until you have fairly happy with your dc target table and the targeting. After that PID is very easy.