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Vemstune disconects costantly

Started by Denmark, May 06, 2013, 03:53:23 PM

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Hi all

Do Any of you have a fix for loosing connections all the time when running vemstune
I have tried different USB-rs232 converters , but it does not seem to change anything ,

When it disconnects Can go to connections and search for the ecu and it finds and connect right away
But maybe it omme last 20sec and i have to do it again,
Pretty annoing when I''m trying to map a Car

working on the boxer


Does this happen with all ECUs that you connect your laptop to?
Which VemsTune release do you use? Download latest at

mads b (dk)

Sker det med startet eller stoppet motor ?
Vw beach buggy 1.6 VNT turbo, Vems 3.1 no. 57


I get this with any firmware above 1.1.95, found out the only solution for me is to make sure the preferred baud rate speed is set to only 57600.

Anything else above or below this gives me constant disconnections.

I went back to a serial RS232 cable & port, instead of the USB because of this problem, but I cannot find out why this is.

I now have to set vems and the memory card speed to the same, and it all works as it should.

Engine:Rover V8 4600cc
Vems Firmware:V1.2.38, GPS, SDcard, LCD & Dual lambdas, Wasted spark, 36-1 trigger, Cam Sync & Bluetooth serial.


Quote from: mattias on May 06, 2013, 04:31:27 PM
Does this happen with all ECUs that you connect your laptop to?
Which VemsTune release do you use? Download latest at

I have had it in the past with other vems ecu' s when i first used a laptop with Windows 7,
Before when i used XP i did not have the problem ,
Last time i had the problem i changed to another USB adaptor and the problem went away ,
But now nothing seems to help , i use firmware 1.2.10 with the second last vemstune, the problem was worse with the newest,
It is when the engine is running the problem is there, so maybe it noise

I could try to set the baurate to 57000 to see if the helps

working on the boxer


I also suffer from frequent freezes with 1.2.x and newest VT. Especially at WOT when noise is harder. Almost on every car. At least on most cars. Best case (and most caases) - particle of second freeze, worst case - USB adapter reconnection request.
I use optically isolated serial - USB adapter with FTDI chip. Only thing I note - USB side cable is more sensitive to noise than serial side. Win7. No difference AC adapter connected or not...



It was more than months, in fact at least a year since I had any major issue.  It's very solid on my Lenovo T42 with Prolific chip USB adapter, I use Windows XP and a SSD for storage. At times I've used other peoples adapters, as they have it easily wired in their cars for tuning - no problems there either.

It seems to me - the only thing that upsets the adapters is a bad ignition system, but it has never directly crashed VemsTune.  I just have to disconnect/reconnect the adapter to the laptop and it resumes operation.

I would say if you have issues - it's mostly due to ignition system noise, and partly due to how the driver handles a chip reset of the USB adapter.


Hmm, so this is something that i have to live with ,
I''m using the stepper for the cops that I''m running
NGK pfr7b plugs that are a resistortype plugs ,
I''m using a lenovo T500

Suggestions to shield the Ign noise from the shielded rs232 cable that are allready in use ?

working on the boxer


May be it is win7 related issue??
I use Dell Precision now, since Lenovo dropped the IBM quality standards,  - also with SSD. But Win7.

Of course it is because of noise. But noise always present at automotive enviroment. Question is how system handle that.


I have used a few combinations...

2006 Macbook Pro Windows XP (USB to Serial)
2010 macbook Pro Windows 7 (USB to Serial)
2010 Macbook Pro Windows 8 (Current) (USB to serial and Bluetooth)

Asus Transformer Android Tablet (Bluetooth)

Never had noise problems with any of that.  I have had to buy new USB serial cables each time I update the OS.  Annoying but prolific appears to drop support for older cables for new OSes.  Probably because MS charges to sign the drivers.  Dumb but I can't be pissed at prolific for it I guess.

I would say that the metal case of the laptops I use helps, but the bluetooth transmitter I use is all plastic, as is the android tablet.  I have had DC to AC converters in the car that render my iPhone touch screen not usable (even made the trackpad on my laptop a bit sketchy) but never affected communications with VEMS.

Is the shield on your serial cable properly connected?  Is your USB-Serial cable sheilded? Are the vems side grounds set up right?  Can you borrow a friends laptop and see if it makes a difference?

1985 Mercedes-Benz 190E 2.3-16v - VEMSv3.3 1.1.92



I my case troubles becomes USB cable length dependant. Longer cable - more freezes. My long cable is from Motec CAN adapter with two ferrite noise suppressors on it, shielded. Anyway - shorter one performs way better. Might be my serial adapter from EasySync has some problem like dead capacitor... Dell has solid metal frame also...


Almost every time I've had com issues was due to ignition issues/noise... I've been using the same FTDI adapter for years.  I don't even mind it when it disconnects because it's a good way of telling if the system is noisy and needs to be looked at.


Quote from: NOTORIOUS VR on May 09, 2013, 07:07:34 PMI don't even mind it when it disconnects because it's a good way of telling if the system is noisy and needs to be looked at.
Couldn't agree more. I use this "feature" very often, people neglect their ignition systems more than can be imagined. Plugs without resistor, torn boots, oil/moisture in spark plug holes, toasted rotors/caps, list goes on.
I've used a Prolific adapter for years as well, I'm on the second one since maybe 2005 when I got my first USB only laptop. I have a few backup adapters but rarely need them.


What would you guys suggest to look over change , when this happen with my setup so freqently that its almost impossible to map the Car at rpm over 5000 ,
But sometimes also at 1500rpm ,
Vemstune tells me to remove the USB cable ,

Let me tell you about the engine , its a brand new standard sti v7 JDM engine with everithing brand new , brand new cops , brand new NGK PFR7B plugs , brand new wiring ,
Brand new means there is No defect rubber om the cops, No oil in the plug holes, the engine have not been used before,its new of the produktion line
The cable for the cops is not shielded , just 12v, Ground and the signal wire,
I use the stepper chip on this Car , and this is the change from other Subaru's i make, were i always used Ign fets to drive the ignitor,
I Got a shielded rs232 cable mounted on the ecu , that is 80cm long and a USB adaptor that is around 20cm long ,
I have tried to change the baurate to 57200, that made the problem worse, so put it back at 19200, would it be better to set it at 9600 ?

Have you Got Any hints to what i could change or shield ?

working on the boxer


What is the pin out of the coils, and how are they grounded?