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Iac not working

Started by roadster, April 08, 2013, 05:30:50 AM

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first of all try to get lamda stable in all rpm range. like 0.9, then you can adjust idle or something.
Vems installer in Lithuania
[email protected]


I changed Ve table numbers. Now motor idles 1050 rpm lamda 0.9. Warm engine. Rpm is rather stable. So my Ve table was too lean.

When engine goes cold I have to change enrichments? I start from there?

Then i have few things in my mind:

What means low boost might be not supported in future?

Invalid valves:

H26 dumm invalid valve

H24 has invalid valve

H 25


What are those?

Iac table should also be changed?


Now motor runs rather nicely.

When i start with cold engine it starts but stops right away. If I gave throttle I can keep the motor going on.

I have changed several times enrichment maps but I still have the same problem. Cold start.

Has anybody ideas for this one?


Have you tuned the iac refference curve?


No I haven't. I'm wondering helps it? Engine starts and runs about 2000rpm and stops. When rpm is more than 1000rpm iac don't work at all.

But I have to check iac curve.



Now i checked Iac curve. I changed it and also enrichments.

Problem is the same.

If I start about 15 seconds engine will start hardly. Rpms go up and engine stops.

If I start throttle open engine will start rather quick. Rpms go a bit up and engine stops.

If I start and I get engine going with throttle engine will go nicely after 20 seconds. Warms a bit I think.


I changed priming pulse from 8.0 to 0. Cranking treshold was 399. Now its 300.

Car started imitially:).

Then I changed granking enrichment and warm up enrichment. Now it idles.

Lets see what happens when motor is gold. But its getting better:).

What is priming pulse?

Cranking treshold?



Primepulse is an initial injection event of the configured pusle width (in your case it was 8ms) on power up prior to any cranking activity. It is scaled down as the engine warms up, to the % configured

Cranking threshold is the RPM value that determines whether the engine is in a cranking phase or a running phase. Below this threshold, a fixed VE and ignition value as configured, are used. above this threshold the VE table and spark table are used.

There are explanations of all these settings in Vemstune if you press the F1 key when you have the configuration table open.
