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Highest firms ware used?

Started by Bambi, December 18, 2012, 01:19:39 PM

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Your files is almost useless. We can guess from some regular log fragments that you have problems with 135-tooth sensing. Note regular missing signals after camsync. 96msec cam period - around 1250rpms. Just guess.

It is possible to get more usable trigger logs with highest communications baud rate.

Anyway first sign of errors is trigger error flag presence in .vemslog.
If you have this, most efficient tool for further diagnostics is oscilloscope.

Before deeper diagnostics you can try to move sesnor together with little modified bracket to rear. Sometimes it helps.



Thanks Guys!

I would like to confirm that the new flywheel and its timing pin is really the problem before taking out the gearbox which is quite a job.

I will try and get higher baud triggerlog tonight. Otherwise I will have a look at it on an oscilloscope.


Quote from: Gandalf on December 27, 2012, 12:19:10 PM
Thanks Guys!

I would like to confirm that the new flywheel and its timing pin is really the problem before taking out the gearbox which is quite a job.

I will try and get higher baud triggerlog tonight. Otherwise I will have a look at it on an oscilloscope.
log it on idle. + you dont need to remove gearbox, remove starter and then you can access it.
Vems installer in Lithuania
[email protected]



I drove the car and only got a trigger error at 6500 rpm. So the caps seemed to have helped a lot. The log file - Log

I also ran a trigger log @ 115k baud at idle - Triggerlog

Do I need to go more aggressive on the capacitors? In the past the trigger errors appeared at 4000 rpm and now it seems clean to 6500 rpm?


Can you scope the actual trigger input signal to see what it looks like?


Quote from: gunni on December 28, 2012, 08:17:14 PM
Can you scope the actual trigger input signal to see what it looks like?

Bambi has access to a oscilloscope but the is 4x4ing in Lesotho currently. I will get the car through to him when he is back so we can check on the oscilloscope.


What about the 1.2.10? Is it in regards to Audi Trigger good as supposedly is the 1.2.2?


Quote from: billman on February 23, 2013, 07:28:45 PM
What about the 1.2.10? Is it in regards to Audi Trigger good as supposedly is the 1.2.2?

yes it's ok, today tried 1.2.11 no problems.
Vems installer in Lithuania
[email protected]


Does anyone else has issues with Audi Divby9 in 1.2.10?


When choosing the Divby9 settings from the dropdown menu on Primary Trigger settings something occurs I think and the config goes bad.

I did a manual Divby9 Setup and it works without issues. But the following occur: With 1.1.96 TDC before trigger was 59 (Divby3). with 1.2.10 and Divby3 I had to set it at 56 and now with Divby9 I had to set it at 53! Why is that?