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VemsTune for Android ?

Started by ASSA, June 16, 2011, 03:05:49 PM

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New version 12/20 adds a bit of tablet support.  It will kindly offer to resize all the stock gauges! Awesome! Has logging too!

Audi, my presumption with you is that you have the same problem as I did.  Basically the gems ecu and the Bluetooth adapter are of the same type, they are meant to connect to something, not have something connect to it...  if that makes sense.  The tx wire from the Bluetooth will line up with the tx line from vems.  The tx line from vems needs to line up with the rx line from the Bluetooth.  If you have a DCE/DTE switch, just toggle it.  If not you will have to swap wires around.

1985 Mercedes-Benz 190E 2.3-16v - VEMSv3.3 1.1.92


FESB Racing Team

Hello all

I have same problem as AudiS2, im using same bluetooth module as Zotya.
I changed baud rate and name of module and i can find it using mobile phone with bluetooth. Android apllication cant connect (it says connecting all the time) and the led on bluetooth module keps flashing

Questions ?
Do i need to connect module to LCD port on VEMS, or to serial cable which i use for connecting the pc ??
In the android apllication settings do i select AIM or V3 ?

Our module doesnt have DCE/DTE switch so can you explain how to swap wires  because i think that is a problem  (pictures how i connected are same as Zotyas on page 4), i tried connecting RX from module to TX on Vems but its still the same

Thank you


I use V3/Triggerframe as it send way more info and is the future for this app  :)

Have you chosen the right Bluetooth module in the VemsDisplay app?



FESB Racing Team

thanks for answer

Yes i chose the right module (i cleared all other bluetooth conections and i renamed my module to vems so im sure that its the right one). I tried with several phones but still the same. Im pretty sure it has to do something with what Benzmac16v is telling but i cant figure it out. The led on bluetooth keps flashing then it stops for 5 seconds like it is connected but than again it starts flashing.

I must sort this because we already made carbon steering whell with integrated android phone (i am a member in one of the formula student teams )

FESB Racing Team

I still cant get it working i swaped wires, tx line from vems connects to rx on bluetooth.

The vems tune app just says connecting al the time. The led on bluetooth stays solid for few second like its connected then again it starts flashing?


What version of android are you running?  4.2 has a lot of issues, including bluetooth.  I have used 4.0 and 4.1 and been ok, I have not tried to run vemstune on 4.2 because I uninstalled it almost immediately as its really beta, but the support explicitly called out bluetooth as being buggy.

I would try to connect to your tablet to a laptop with a known good bluetooth chip.  Should be easy.  You can set up a virtual bluetooth com port in windows with one of those serial port communication apps (like teraterm or similar).  Then load up a bluetooth terminal on your android phone.  You should be able to connect them and send messages back and forth.  This will confirm that the android tablet bluetooth is good.

Then, you can use a USB to Serial adapter to connect the serial to bluetooth adapter that you have to your computer.  You should be able to run the same test as above, but using the serial to bluetooth adapter.  This should work if the tx/rx lines are the wrong way around (not sure if it will work if they are the right way, I don't recall testing this with mine...)  This should confirm that the android tablet can connect to your bluetooth adapter.  If it can, then you know you have an issue with your VEMS wiring or settings on the adapter or maybe power to the adapter.

After that, ensure you are swapping the right pins on the com connector.  Some places like to list pin numbers looking at the connector from the solder joints, others from the plug side...  Make sure you are looking at it the right way.

If it still doesn't work, I would start reading up on com ports or try a different adapter.

1985 Mercedes-Benz 190E 2.3-16v - VEMSv3.3 1.1.92


FESB Racing Team

Jim thanks for this answer i will try all that in next few days


Did you already try a older version of Android?

I have only worked with a Nexus 7 tab and Android 4.2.1

I hope to have a device with a older Android version next week so i can try!


The nexus7 originally shipped with 4.1, you may look into downgrading or even switching to a custom ROM that is still on 4.1, such as cyanogenmod 10.0.  Just check out what installing a custom ROM does to your warranty, it voids my transformer's.  However a downgrade to a stock ROM may be fine.

1985 Mercedes-Benz 190E 2.3-16v - VEMSv3.3 1.1.92



Quote from: Benzmac16v on February 02, 2013, 12:03:52 AM
The nexus7 originally shipped with 4.1, you may look into downgrading or even switching to a custom ROM that is still on 4.1, such as cyanogenmod 10.0.  Just check out what installing a custom ROM does to your warranty, it voids my transformer's.  However a downgrade to a stock ROM may be fine.


Hy Jim! Thanks for your explanation! I'm not that good on computers and android  ::).
A friend of my has a phone with a older version android. I hope to do some testing tomorrow or Thursday.

If it works on a older version i will try to downgrade my Nexus 7.

I will let you all know!



One of our development tablets is a Nexus 7 with Android 4.2.1 and it works perfect.

We can't test every Bluetooth adapter (which is why we're manufacturing our own), but I've used the VEMS adapter, Brainboxes adapter and one other, which the name escapes me now.

Here's the link to the VEMS adapter.
VEMS USA - Located in beautiful Burlington, Vermont
1988 RX7 Turbo


Quote from: jrussell on February 02, 2013, 10:41:01 PM
One of our development tablets is a Nexus 7 with Android 4.2.1 and it works perfect.

We can't test every Bluetooth adapter (which is why we're manufacturing our own), but I've used the VEMS adapter, Brainboxes adapter and one other, which the name escapes me now.

Here's the link to the VEMS adapter.


I will order a bluetooth adapter on the VEMS shop than. But can i just plug it to the VEMS RS232 connector or do i need some kind of adapter?
I don't want any problems with changing configs or maps.



It plugs into the ECU serial port. The only other thing you need is a micro-usb power adapter. We actually had some 12V micro-USB adapters made for us that have a USB-A jack also (for the tablet or phone), but I don't see them in the web store. I'll ask the guys on Monday why they aren't there and add them.
VEMS USA - Located in beautiful Burlington, Vermont
1988 RX7 Turbo


I have ordered the blue tooth adapter yesterday!

Just a little worried about it changes several values in the map's when connecting it directly to the serial port as said here:,1740.msg20105.html#msg20105

But its oke to make my own adapter with only the ground and TX connected?


Quote from: AudiS2 on February 09, 2013, 06:12:47 PM
I have ordered the blue tooth adapter yesterday!

Just a little worried about it changes several values in the map's when connecting it directly to the serial port as said here:,1740.msg20105.html#msg20105

But its oke to make my own adapter with only the ground and TX connected?

That problem was with a completely different product and completely different communications protocol (than today's VemsDisplay). The AiM serial protocol was a bit problematic, but we now use our native communications on VemsDisplay. That's the only way we can get all the data we do. The AiM serial protocol was limited in data channels.

I haven't seen or heard of any problems at all. You'll want the rx connected eventually I assume since we plan to have some very limited functionality available to change the ECU.
VEMS USA - Located in beautiful Burlington, Vermont
1988 RX7 Turbo