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nice features to have "request"

Started by Denmark, November 28, 2009, 05:49:59 PM

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This is not only a cheap software thing. I don't know how Lexus have done it but you probably need to get the exhaust valve closed and in the intake one opened for the full cycle.

As for me, a minimal feature to start with would be to get the changelog file of the firmware version regularly updated (no change since 2008) ;). This is standard. A regular firmware changelog would save a lot of time to the whole Vems earth. The second step would be a wikishrunk  ;D


Quote from: MWfire on March 07, 2012, 02:17:52 PM
Quote from: billman on March 07, 2012, 09:33:30 AM
I don't know if the developers get these stuff we write here but a nice feature would be selective cylinder cut off for fuel economy.

i.e. when it is activated 2 cylinder will be cutted off for fuel economy reasons. This system is easy to implement and is not only found in bit V8 engines but also in small ones like the new VW Polo blue GT that is 1.4 liter I4. when the system is on it shuts off cylinder 2 and 3.

It should work within:

A certain (adjustable) RPM range i.e. from 1200-3000 RPM
certain MAP range i.e. from 40-80KPA
Wheelspeed signal
gives the possibility of cylinder selection or certain cylinder pattern.

Wou can do that with config switch. I did that and i was very disappointment with fuel savings. What i find, mechanical losses are very big i crusing area, not thermal.

I see what you mean but that would be something that would need constant changing of configs i.e. when you need to overtake ect.

It also seems that all newer design lock valves ect in order to maintain cylinder pressure.

The other nice thing to have would be a working OEM like knock sensing with listening window ect + a guide to set it up correctly.  ;D


You can change configs with tps(more than 50%) or with map...


Quote from: MWfire on March 10, 2012, 08:06:52 PM
You can change configs with tps(more than 50%) or with map...

How can this be done? Though the analog input setting for channel 6 where I have the config switch input?


Billman You can set config switch to work with Misc 1 outputs so you could switch by map, speed etc


Ability to have the same number of cells and values (load vs RPM) used for both VE and ignition (i.e. 16x14), combine this with different short cut keys to advance/retard ignition compared to increase/decrease fuelling would make mapping on a rolling road significantly quicker i.e. set ignition using QWER and VE using ASDF with both tables displayed at the same time. 


Full Android functionality! Nice to be able to make changes and save config on android when PC is not available.


Quote from: se7ensport on July 01, 2012, 09:55:41 PM
Ability to have the same number of cells and values (load vs RPM) used for both VE and ignition (i.e. 16x14), combine this with different short cut keys to advance/retard ignition compared to increase/decrease fuelling would make mapping on a rolling road significantly quicker i.e. set ignition using QWER and VE using ASDF with both tables displayed at the same time. 

Then you have to tune 3 tables at once and all should be equal size: VE, IgnAdvance, Lambda.

For finding the edge on the dyno using your idea Lambda and Advance should be equal size... And then boost and cam advance...

Current praxis is to tune VE first with conservative advance and lambda. It is automated tune usually. And only after that advance together with small and because of that easy to set Lambda table.


This depends on your tuning technique; the rolling road I use set all the Lambda cells before tuning then rough tuned the VE, set the ignition then final tune of the VE. This meant going through three tables hitting each cell to complete the job. 

If we had been able to do ignition and VE in parallel it would have taken half the time.  This was for an Alpha-N build, it might be different for MAP.


100% scaleble analog input curve

For example, instead of fixed voltage scales against configurable temperature scales as in Analog Input Calibration 'Custom Temperature Curve', what about configurable voltage scales also? 'Custom Sensor Curve' is not very versatile, as it only seems to be dedicated to temperature.

This would make calibrating MAF 'air flow' against 'voltage' much easier.

Reason. I propose to use a freely available Bosch MAF sensor on the tubocharger compressor inlet. Adding MAF sensor on inlet tract of compressor is simple. MAF against MAP will then give compressor speed and efficiency when plotted on the compressor map. Some Bosch MAF sensors have good documentation giving good scaling data that will allow for a fairly acurate measurement. with this I would determine compressor efficiencies without the need to use expensive turbine tachometers or calculating BSFC then working back from dyno hp readings, which we all know can be optimistic.

I am not suggesting using MAF as a dedicated sesnor in fueling strategy, just simply MAF logging in real time with known sensor scales.


Why not a velocity sensor? i.e a pitot tube sensor that outputs pressure difference between the static and dynamic pressure.

knowing the pipe size you´ll know the volume flow.


PWM and a RPM ref curve in the nitrous control section would be VERY handy.

Being able to cut and paste sections of VE/IGN tables would be helpful at times when trying previous setup maps for idle, cruise and overrun settings or others midrange fuelling to aid spool without having to go back to all the old fuelling throughout the whole table or write what you want on piece of paper.  ;D


Quote from: gunni on August 02, 2012, 05:25:51 PM

Quote from: Sprocket on August 01, 2012, 11:13:44 PM
100% scaleble analog input curve

For example, instead of fixed voltage scales against configurable temperature scales as in Analog Input Calibration 'Custom Temperature Curve', what about configurable voltage scales also? 'Custom Sensor Curve' is not very versatile, as it only seems to be dedicated to temperature.

This would make calibrating MAF 'air flow' against 'voltage' much easier.

Reason. I propose to use a freely available Bosch MAF sensor on the tubocharger compressor inlet. Adding MAF sensor on inlet tract of compressor is simple. MAF against MAP will then give compressor speed and efficiency when plotted on the compressor map. Some Bosch MAF sensors have good documentation giving good scaling data that will allow for a fairly acurate measurement. with this I would determine compressor efficiencies without the need to use expensive turbine tachometers or calculating BSFC then working back from dyno hp readings, which we all know can be optimistic.

I am not suggesting using MAF as a dedicated sesnor in fueling strategy, just simply MAF logging in real time with known sensor scales.

Why not a velocity sensor? i.e a pitot tube sensor that outputs pressure difference between the static and dynamic pressure.

knowing the pipe size you´ll know the volume flow.

I'd still have to calibrate it, which is the point i'm trying to put across.

I have just bought some extra large graph paper to plot out the MAF curve at 0.01v and kg/hr per milimeter graph.

The MAF I have chosen is a 640kg/h unit so that'll be 0.5 x 0.64meter graph lol. I can then extrapolate the air flow values accurately against the fixed VEMS sensor curve volts, job done.

Just seems a bit archaic.


one nice thing to have would be dc vs temp output, lancer evo 8 has fan controller working on the duty cycle output from the ecu
Vems installer in Lithuania
[email protected]

Mads Lund

Hi, I've just installed a VEMS on my 1977 TVR3000, duratec V6 engine.

In general VEMS is grat, setup a bit tricky, but made it work after a couple of hours.

I am thou dissapointed with the lack of flexibility on analogue outputs, it would be really nice, and very usefull to have 2 fully flexible analogue outputs (eq by a 17 point array like the temp sensoe input) and with the oution to convert a given internal parameter to a 0-5 volt output signal.

For my use do I miss a lambda analogue out, to drive my lambdameter (and vems round is not an option on the wood dash of a classic car)
Same goes for engine temparature, currently did I mount 2 sensors, one for VEMS and one for the instrument, silly right ?
oil temp is the same matter
Boost is there... fine, but for NA applications not that relevant, please make it so it's possible to use any other desired parameter instead.

For the digital out do I really miss an output for the speedo (I bought a GPS speedo to compensate)

BR Mads