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VT unable to connect fw1.2.0

Started by fphil, June 08, 2012, 10:11:08 PM

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I have uploaded fw1.2.0 from VT20012-05-23 hoping to find out the new released knock function as promised.

VT did the upload and verify ok, but after switching Vems OFF and ON, VT was unable to connect back to Vems:

- The "Communications Settings window" says "Device connected"

- After closing that window, back to the main window, I get a moment later "Device disconnected" and so  the autotest starts to recover the connection but failed each time, finally I get the Error window "Device cannot connect. If firmware too old .etc.."

- During the autotest connection, the window "Password protection" appears and disappears

- vems does not start any more (no ignition)

- I tried to connect with an older VT version 2011-09-28 -> same issue

- I tried to upload another Vems firmware (1.1.48 or 1.1.98) using megaloader, no success see below

- I can connect  Vems from Megatune or miniterminal (19200 baud), Megatune runs.

- With the terminal line I can set the avr into the Bootloader mode  (mcbffmcb) and get AVR35V3.3-u003856

- I can dowload the config.txt
# Firmwareversion=1.2.0

- I tried to connect with an older VT version 2011-09-28 -> same issue

- I tried to upload another Vems firmware (1.1.48 or 1.1.98) using megaloader, no success see below.
Down loading flash file:firmware_1.1.98\vems.hex
LoAddr =  0    HiAddr =  fc00
Translation complete!
AVR said Hello : Hello>
didn't get reply from AVR, out of sync

What do you suggest? Is it a bad upload, a password issue ?
Did you have anyproblem uploading 1.2.0?
I did not have perl or avrprog.exe or avrdune to try download the vems.hex, is it the way to go?
(I post a VT error report)
Thanks for your help



Hi, i had similar problem, but i uploaded FW with an older VT (latest stable version) and that was my mistake. Here is what i did:
Downloaded and installed latest VT (nightly may-23), ran it.
Preferences > Update files manually. VT updated something.
Tools > Firmware > Firmware web tool. Get 1.2.0 and 1.1.99
Tools > Firmware > Round emergency revival. Follow instructions and upload 1.1.99
Now i got it up and running again and then uploaded 1.2.0 FW normally.

Good luck.


Hi, thanks for your reply.

Indeed I noticed the "Round emergency revival" function. I did not dare to run it !!

I am not internet connected at the place where the car is parked, but I did it here: "Preferences > Update files manually" and truly something was download, but what? an .ini file probably.

It would be helpful if someone from Vems could kindly confirm that this function is more generally an "Upload emergency revival". Besides I have not got yet a comment to the VT report I have sent. I would inform when I get that official answer.

Also I would be happy to learn why Megaloader could not work



This connection issue was solved by updating the VT with the last nightly built sw: the one which came up after the 1.2.0 date - not the one from the same day .
