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Odd Trigger Errors

Started by Benzmac16v, July 21, 2011, 09:36:55 PM

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Ok, So I am getting some odd trigger errors that I think are software based.

This started when I tried to upgrade to 1.1.92.  The car would run, but randomly start missing like a bastard and bucking down the road.  In not too long the problem would go away and I could drive just fine.  For a few min.  On further investigation I found the problem to be trigger errors, not missing.

So I downgraded back to 1.1.88 but the problems never totally went away (they WERE non-existent before .92) but they were VERY rare and it was only ever one error at a time (or at least it felt like that).  I tried very hard to get a trigger log of this happening, but it never seemed to happen when I opened the trigger log analyzer.  Until today but Ill get to that.

So today I thought I would give .95 a try and see if it would help any...  The car will start, and then just start getting really bad trigger errors and stall. Here is the trigger log and vemslog of this happening:
TriggerLog:  (I messed up the file extension there, but it will open if you tell the open dialog to look for all files...)

So then I decided to downgrade again back to .88.  The car will idle fine, and run ok, but when I gunned it I was able to pick up a some trigger errors in the triggerlog!  Got lucky I guess.  What I thought was interesting was that the error is always a missing tooth with a primary diff ratio of about 2, but the very next tooth would have a primary diff ratio of about .5.  Typically I get 1.00...  So I am wondering if it is actually missing the tooth or if there is something strange going on here.

Thank you for the help!
1985 Mercedes-Benz 190E 2.3-16v - VEMSv3.3 1.1.92



It's obvious that the injector pulsewidth is zero when the engine dies, sure enough - disable overrun fuelcut and it will run.

I recommend to use only the RPM based or the MAP based one, not both.  Cut below 58 kPa is a little high..  don't know how it ended up that high, and I guess you don't know either. Set to 0 to disable at least that limit and use only the rpm based one, as it is in fact that which you are using the most.

Also it's normal to have a single trigger error when the engine stops turning.

On firmware upgrade, be sure to load the suggested config file after the firmware upload is complete.


Well, in the logs there are trigger errors all over, not just when it stalls...  I could keep the car running by giving it gas then it would catch and rev before hitting trigger error again...  Do you think my ECU is turning off quickly and then turning back on?

1985 Mercedes-Benz 190E 2.3-16v - VEMSv3.3 1.1.92



In both vemslog files you linked to above only the 1.1.95 contains a single trigger error, when it stalls. The one from 1.1.88 has no errors.

I think your overrrun fuelcut is messing with you, disable it until you understand how it works.


The .88 config should be fine, fuel cut is set at 27kpa.  The .95 might be a little screwy I guess...  I tried to start from a new config file, then dragged all of my settings over from my .88 config...  I also tried to get rid of my low boost error, but that didn't seem to save...  Which is odd.  So I'm going to fix all of that and try again.

I will disable the overrun... Did you look at my trigger logs?  Extra missing teeth show up all over the place...

1985 Mercedes-Benz 190E 2.3-16v - VEMSv3.3 1.1.92



Don't start from a new config file. On firmware upload a config is saved before you ruin what's there with a new firmware with new data offsets and config values. After firmware upload, VemsTune suggests the saved config file which you should click "ok" on and it will convert it to the new firmware format and upload.

I never checked your triggerlogs. You can't do triggerlogs with 60-2 with the engine running, the high tooth count will flood the serial port and you will miss data which might appear like trigger errors, at least VemsTune will think so since it misses some data.


I see... Then my trigger logs might be invalid...  I have a 36-1 wheel and the errors on .88 only came while at higher rpm (in the trigger log window).

I was unaware that VEMSTune would update the config...  I was always either using the old one or starting from scratch.  Thats much better...

1985 Mercedes-Benz 190E 2.3-16v - VEMSv3.3 1.1.92



Its idling now...  It always used to give me the trigger flag in the normal view of vemstune.  So Im going to take it for a drive and log it, see if it still does it...  Would be kind of embarrassing if it was just the fuel cut (still hope it was)...

1985 Mercedes-Benz 190E 2.3-16v - VEMSv3.3 1.1.92



Well that was very odd...

Idled ok.  About to pull out of my driveway and the thing stalls.  Try to start it and the trigger error flag is always up while cranking.  The config was for .95 and was converted by vemstune from the .88 config that seems to work ok.  So I push it back down the driveway, re-flash back to .88, upload .88 and it starts up...

Going to try again, but without trying to change from my low boost setting and see what gives... I have a feeling I am just missing something when I try to do that.

1985 Mercedes-Benz 190E 2.3-16v - VEMSv3.3 1.1.92



Seems to have been some sort of wiring issue.  I am not sure why the .9x firmwares seemed to be effected more by it, maybe it was just coincidence...  But after the car stalled again at the end of my driveway (it pitches down hill, so something must have moved)  I played with the harness a bit and it started up.  So I inspected the whole length of it and found no chafing, but I have secured it a bit better and I haven't had a trigger error since, with .95.  So I guess that was it. 

I bought the universal harness from the vemsshop, and it was a good move at the time, its really quite awkward because the wire lengths are not right, it doesn't fit in the stock wiring path and the main section, with all the wires packed together is well over a foot too long...  So it might be time to build my own.  It would be a nice side project while the car is still operational.  It would be nice if you could specify the length for each circuit/sensor when you buy it.

1985 Mercedes-Benz 190E 2.3-16v - VEMSv3.3 1.1.92



I don't see what you mean, the harness can be adapted easily. Just remove enough tape and adapt/shorten it to whatever you like. You can buy an extra roll of tape to go with the harness just in case. I usually use more of the plastic sheeting.

About your stalling and what not, I don't see clear evidence of anything. Run 1.1.95 and provide the correct vemslog files (and possibly, but not useful triggerlogs) in case you run into more trouble.