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Firmware verify failed - SOLVED -

Started by Ignitec, March 26, 2011, 05:13:03 PM

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Today one of my customers came to me with a Vems box in his hands. Said that he tried to "load new software in his VEMS", and everything went ok, just car wont start any more. :) Two years ago I left him with 1.0.78 (working).

Situation: genboard is always in boot mode, but wont flash until I short Rx and Tx (another boot mode?!). Firmware upload seems like everything is ok, and than - FW verify failed! Also cannot leave boot mode.
I tried few different ways (newest VemsTune - various fws, 1.0.73 - 1.1.88, PSI Tuner, 1.0.73 megaloader, 1.0.78 megaloader, edited upload_firmware12x12.bat...), tried with FTDI USB2RS232, Prolific USB2RS232, old laptop with real rs232, everything on bench with lab power supply (12, 12.5, 13, 13.5 and 14V). It seems like no data is written in Atmega...

Two years ago i flashed that board few times with ftdi usb2rs232, different fws, and never had problem like this. Any ideas?
If you have everything under control, you\\\'re not fast enough!


It could be that the customer is not telling the whole story, the flash memory could be damaged.

I've seen it happen, someone wired +12 supply in the car for the laptop in reverse, killed the serial port on the laptop and after that the config changed values randomly, etc..  = CPU replaced and all was fine again.

I've always managed to save failed firmware uploads, and you seem to have tried everything - it points to hardware issues.


Ill try to replace atmega these days and try again. terminal is  working, so I assume that serial comunication is fine. Is there some easy way to load boot loader to atmega? I don't have board serial no, only first two digits are visible, and I cannot retrieve it from pc...
If you have everything under control, you\\\'re not fast enough!

[email protected]

I think you'll need to send the unit back for repair, the Atmega is setup with security options to stop people using the firmware on non-VEMS hardware


It would be the easiest way, and I'll probably do it that way. Thanks for advices!
If you have everything under control, you\\\'re not fast enough!


Is there an option to order only programmed atmega? It would be much faster to replace it, than sending board to Hungary and back...
If you have everything under control, you\\\'re not fast enough!



Marcell was kind to send me bootloader with new serial, and it's live again! Thanks to all!
If you have everything under control, you\\\'re not fast enough!