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VemsTune 2010-06-08

Started by AVP, June 09, 2010, 06:29:35 AM

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I downloaded this one and all it does is that it cannot open any config as it crashes. Should i erase the .dll file pointed out above from system ?

It reads: an unhandled exception was found. Abort/retry/ignore. Any choise closes vemstune. Also does it with zl1bl file erased.


Forget about the zlib problem, that was a file missing in a single earlier release that I  mentioned and is needed for VT to function at all.
If you remove the zlib1.dll from the system directory you won't change anything, as that file is now in the VT directory and is, like I said, necessary for operation.

I opened both logs and configs with this 2010-06-08 version of VemsTune, works great. I have a single core Pentium Mobile with Windows XP.

When mentioning ANY bugs or problems, please consider what could be important data to know to tell us more about the bug.
What OS are you running and what other computer specs?


i try to open the vemstune on an windows 7 laptop intel i5.

havent tried it on xp yet.

the software opens, its the upload of any configs that is not permitted


Quote from: AVP on June 09, 2010, 08:27:08 PM
i try to open the vemstune on an windows 7 laptop intel i5.

havent tried it on xp yet.

the software opens, its the upload of any configs that is not permitted

Did you install it into default location (Program Files)? Did you try to run it as admin? Maybe try to install it into not system folder, like c:\VEMS
Firmware, Software and Hardware


yes, program was installed in the default location and no changes were done during installation


it seems to work on windows XP,so it  may be a windows 7 related issue.

Mattias, when do you think the boost offsett will be implemented in one of the future vemstune versions?

[email protected]

Did you right click on Vemstune and select the Run as Administrator option?

Tony C

is this the latest version of VT guys?

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