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V1.1.70 firmware

Started by Seight-v8, April 10, 2010, 03:46:48 AM

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So i thought i would try firmware V1.1.70.

But i cannot get the fuel pump to work on this version, its enabled on channel 5, but just wont work.

Tried other output channels and just the same.

So went back to V1.1.64....and fuel pump is now working again.

I've looked everywhere i can...and have no answer...

Anyone with some ideas....or just stick with V1.1.64.


Engine:Rover V8 4600cc
Vems Firmware:V1.2.38, GPS, SDcard, LCD & Dual lambdas, Wasted spark, 36-1 trigger, Cam Sync & Bluetooth serial.


Sounds like a conflict to me.  Is this Ign channel 5 or P259 channel 5?

Look in output->Assign output channels to check for conflicts.  I noticed that 1.1.70 did some strange things when I upgraded too.


I had problem to assign P259 outputs in common output channel table. But directly from fuel pump dialogue - it works for me. I suppose it is some already known VT problem.

I had other headaches with 1.1.70 - didn't find the way how to configure Alpha-N. In usual way something goes wrong. It works with involved MAP sensor. MAP correction table was all 0. MAP correction - disabled. I gave up because of limited tuning time and go back to 1.1.53/54.

But in overall 1.1.70 looks promising!

For all who use 1.1.6x it is recommended to migrate to 1.1.70. I even catch problem on my table test Lambda lookup sticks to random value from table. It is dangerous - if your lambda stick on 1.05 at high boost.

Can someone remove "realise" from 1.1.6x topic headline? And may be replace Sticky with this topic?  Rob?



i tried 3 different P259 channels in the end and they where all the same.

I used all the same settings from V1.1.64, and checked them all carefully before i tried to start it.

Still running V1.1.64... for the mo...or should i use V1.1.71....

Sun is out here.....and i really want to try and get this out my garage...where its been for 2 years.....

Engine:Rover V8 4600cc
Vems Firmware:V1.2.38, GPS, SDcard, LCD & Dual lambdas, Wasted spark, 36-1 trigger, Cam Sync & Bluetooth serial.


I hasn't problem with P259  on 1.1.70 - it simply forks after opening 1.1.27 config. So it should also work when opening much newer 1.1.63!
What VT you use?


i am using vemstune 08-03-10...but did try the next one down...and still seemed the same.

When i tried to assign the channels in the outputs tab....and selected the channel i stayed for a few seconds then changes back to i cant even test it.

As when i click the test mode....all the output channels are greyed out and disabled.

But in the fuel pump settings i have P259 channel 5 shown.....



Engine:Rover V8 4600cc
Vems Firmware:V1.2.38, GPS, SDcard, LCD & Dual lambdas, Wasted spark, 36-1 trigger, Cam Sync & Bluetooth serial.


Yea, table with all channels is buggy for p259, but Fuel pump dialog IMO works!

[email protected]

Can you quantify a bug report so that I can file it?


imho that problem is already fixed in new vemstune. I think next Monday(tomorrow) will be new vemstune available to download.

[email protected]

Thanks for the replies regarding the latest VEMSTune download, a thread has been created here:,1200.0.html

It would be useful if we could keep this thread to firmware issues and put VEMSTune issues in their specific thread.


still trying to get this 1.1.70 firmware to work with my vems ecu.

But i everytime i turn on the ignition on i get a loud double buzzer like sound coming from the ecu.

Is this normal???...something i need to know about...and how to get rid of it.


Engine:Rover V8 4600cc
Vems Firmware:V1.2.38, GPS, SDcard, LCD & Dual lambdas, Wasted spark, 36-1 trigger, Cam Sync & Bluetooth serial.

Ascona 400

Did you upload a config file after flashing the firmware?

I do get that sound from a relay for my cooling fan when I flash a new firmware and it disappears when the config file is uploaded.
And yes I know that I should remove the fuse for it when flashing but for some reason I forget that fuse all the time.. ;D


yep doesnt matter what i do, only way to get my fuel pump relay to work is go back top V1.1.64.

But that version has a problem with accleration enrichment that i cant alter the they just go back to zero.

So fo the mo i am stuck between 1.1.64 with tps/accleration problems and 1.1.70 with a non working fuel pump.

so much for driving this thing...its getting frustrating.....

Engine:Rover V8 4600cc
Vems Firmware:V1.2.38, GPS, SDcard, LCD & Dual lambdas, Wasted spark, 36-1 trigger, Cam Sync & Bluetooth serial.


You will not get any help (at least from me) unless you  post your 1.1.70 config or a log file (logs created in VT contains the config too).

Use the FileManager directions here to upload on the server (create your own MembersPage directory there) :


dainiuxsky noted some non-expected behaviours:

*knock system does not work since aprox 1.1.57...58 incluiding 1.1.70 below 7400rpms. Above - works!
*injector fires with two strokes offset comparing to pre 1.1.6x. It is not documented anywhere.
*at cranking dwell sometimes hangs. (I catch it also on stim using 60-2 with no camsync somewhere around 100rpms. Trigger log - perfectly clean)
