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Vemstune disconnect problem

Started by gunni, September 24, 2009, 09:08:38 PM

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I´ve got a new ecu I´m setting up and playing with vemstune to test the software.

Anyway, It looses connection in 1-5minutes and then does not want to connect to the ecu again.
Using megatune there is no problem.

So what is the deal here?


I know this happened to me back in April/May when I tested an early VemsTune, and I used a real serialport for communication so I couldn't blame a USB adapter (or it's software driver).

It should've been resolved by now, but I haven't checked the Changelog for the releases to see what's been done. What version are you running? On 25/9 (4 days ago) was the most recent release.


09.10.2009 is the one I have. I´ll download the latest one and see.


Downloaded and installed.

Still happens within 5minutes.

Sometime after starting the software it will start showing corrupted figures coming from the ecu (5000kpa+ and so on ) while lcd shows normal numbers.
Then eventually just says not connected. And I can´t connect until I either restart the program or have the "ecu config" detect the ecu.
Then the cycle continues.

I´m using 1.1.53 and this never happens with Megatune. So this has to be vemstune.

If I have the software read from the ecu to reread tables they become corrupted.
Just to add. No table is corrupted or anything related to the config.


Just gave it a little shot trying to test out just about every config I could in regards to com#, buffer settings for com port, device protocol, default read protocol, timeout (whatever that means), software compatibility to win2k , xp, various service packs, and so on.

And there is NO consistency to any results.
It hung in there once for 9minutes. But apart from that it´s below 5minutes and then disconnect.

Sometimes even it will reconnect out of the blue. sometimes 5seconds, sometimes 20-50seconds and just go on like that.


Your not using a dual core laptop are you?  We have similar problems with communication tools at work on dual core laptops, setting it to just use one core improves the problem but doesn't totally solve it


I´ll give that ago and report back.


I have used a a little microsoft tool called imagecfg.exe to patch exe files. You have to copy it to the directory that the exe is in as it doesn't work with directory structures. Then run the following from the command line in that directory:

imagecfg -a 0x1 xxxx.exe

Once you have done this, xxxx.exe is patched to set it to always only use 1 processor.

I got imagecfg.exe from the Microsoft website


That seems to have helped it maintain connection upto 10minutes.

I did the imgcfg on both the vemstune and vemstune-c.
Now the -c keeps connected for 10minutes.
This is a snip from the cmd window.

17:00:54: MegatuneProtocol::rx() - TIME_OUT - command: 7, expected size: 64, rec
eived size : 63
17:00:57: CommunicationController::sendNotConnectedEvent()
17:00:57: TbTbECUState::OnECUEvent()!
17:00:57: VemsTuneController::OnDeviceEvent()
17:00:57: VemsTuneController::OnDeviceEvent() - !INPUT_TYPE_RAWFILE
17:00:57: VemsTuneController::OnDeviceEvent() - DEVICE_UNKNOWN
17:00:57: -----MainFrame::OnDeviceEvent()
17:00:57: CommunicationClientBase::disconnect()
17:08:25: ProcessBase::stop() STARTED!
17:08:25: ProcessBase::stop() thread already stopped!
17:08:25: CommunicationControllerGPS::stop()
17:08:25: ConfigHelper::getConfigFile() current dir: C:\Program Files\VemsTune\c
17:08:25: ConfigFile::ConfigFile() fileName: C:\Program Files\VemsTune\config\v3
17:08:31: ProcessBase::stop() STARTED!
17:08:31: ProcessBase::stop() thread already stopped!
17:08:31: CommunicationControllerGPS::stop()
17:08:31: ConfigHelper::getConfigFile() current dir: C:\Program Files\VemsTune\c
17:08:31: ConfigFile::ConfigFile() fileName: C:\Program Files\VemsTune\config\v3

I also did remove config for the GPS , as it was previously saying "obvious Vemstune connection problem ..." , so maybe that

the normal vemstune program does not seem to be willing to work.

I´m going to collect a single session of info and post it on the Wiki.