hello all
I want to apply the 4.9 sensor, for this I set the resistance to 27 kOhm according to the scheme.
http://vemsecu.ru/v/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=3570 (http://vemsecu.ru/v/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=3570)
If the 27k nernstpullup resistor is installed (inside the box to ic 78l05), nernst measures >4V (typically appr 4.9V)when open circuit. With a 1k pulldown (test resistor towards GND) measures typically appr 175-180 mV
=> the result: 178mV
Rcal= 167 Ohm
In the firmware round 1.5.10 already shows the default values for the sensor lsu 4.9 from the firmware for the board v.3
pump zero pw 101
nernst dc target 228
heater pid Ri target 165
kp 69
ki 17
kd 29
pid integral limit 129
pump kp 21
pump ki 78
but how to calibrate the sensor in the air, now shows 16.6 % :o