VEMS Community Forum

VEMS => Software => Topic started by: ermin on May 31, 2009, 12:32:10 AM

Title: do i need new firmware
Post by: ermin on May 31, 2009, 12:32:10 AM
curently i have old firmaware. i runs ok and all that, but now i want to setup launch control and problem is that under the option for "launch control" in mega tune there is no option to set on which chanell to use my launch control (see picture: ( (

now my question is do i need new firmware or is it possible to have wprkin LC on this firmware?

i ask this bicouse it is not problem to upgrade firmware for my but problem is if after upgrade engine doesent work i dont know how to map it and trigger again!
Title: Re: do i need new firmware
Post by: gunni on May 31, 2009, 02:32:20 AM
Check the input channel window.
It should be there.
Title: Re: do i need new firmware
Post by: ermin on May 31, 2009, 02:55:47 AM
do you mean this

( (

i dont see it....
Title: Re: do i need new firmware
Post by: ermin on May 31, 2009, 02:44:04 PM
bumpi dump...please help me bicouse i want to make it run today heheh...
Title: Re: do i need new firmware
Post by: gunni on May 31, 2009, 05:02:47 PM
No those are output channels.
Title: Re: do i need new firmware
Post by: ermin on May 31, 2009, 05:26:27 PM
where are input chanel-s???
Title: Re: do i need new firmware
Post by: ermin on June 01, 2009, 03:54:09 AM
i update my firmware by steps on this forum described... it all went well and now megatune starts normal over port but problem is that car now cant start  ;D

before upgrade i print all old setup (basic,injektor.....) now i put all back again and still want start...

can i put here all pics of setup-s so you look if something is wrong? or maybe i put firmware wrong?
Title: Re: do i need new firmware
Post by: Bat on June 01, 2009, 04:54:19 AM
Have you got any sparks at the plugs?
Are the injectors working?
Can you see RPM in MegaTune when trying to start the engine?
Gavin :)
Title: Re: do i need new firmware
Post by: ermin on June 01, 2009, 05:27:54 AM
rpm are rising up to cca 260, injectors are sending gas to spark plugs but i didnt look is there spark plug.
when i upgrade firmware,on end i heard fuel pumps pump gas. is that ok?

i think i put firmware wrong, i did it like this, from version 1036 folder i started download config, than i use generate config.after that i copy paste "firmware" from folder of 1073 version in the 1036 version folder and after that i hit upload firmware...i think that is too simple to be correct??

only warning i get vas from first start of megatune that version didnt match: recived 21, expected 22kpa...i put dont terminate and megatune started.

is there any program that uploads firmware in one step??
Title: Re: do i need new firmware
Post by: Bat on June 01, 2009, 05:42:40 AM
Yes, the pump usually runs as the ECU reboots after the firmware changes.
I can't say if the firmware has upgraded properly, but chance are it has not if you've mixed two different versions.
You should do it this way to be sure of a good result.,120.0.html (,120.0.html)
Some firmwares require additional settings to be put in. 1.0.73 could well need the newer type of ignition settings entered in after you've upgraded. See the second post in the link above ;)
Try changing the H2 table before you do anything else. It may solve your problem :)
Gavin :)
Title: Re: do i need new firmware
Post by: ermin on June 01, 2009, 05:54:00 AM
ok, tomorow i put again new firmware and look at spark table and hopefuly manage to figure how to change settings..

just for help, is this correct, when i am upgradin firmware, do i do it from old version folder or do i do it from new version folder?
Title: Re: do i need new firmware
Post by: Bat on June 01, 2009, 06:12:31 AM
New version folder once you've got the tables and config from the old version.
Gavin :)
Title: Re: do i need new firmware
Post by: ermin on June 02, 2009, 12:18:16 AM
HI, today i try again and now problem is than now when i want to generate config there comes error and says "cant open global hex" in firmware version...

i do it with vems MT1.0.73_20080901 relase...

i put firmware in and it works bu i cant change tables H2 bicouse i cant generate!

help please!
Title: Re: do i need new firmware
Post by: [email protected] on June 02, 2009, 12:44:13 AM
Sounds like something is wrong with the configuration of the batch files, :(

Try this one:

Last time I used it, it all generated and uploaded fine.
Title: Re: do i need new firmware
Post by: ermin on June 02, 2009, 01:20:03 AM
yes now i have problem when i press download config and press any key program just exit.i try with usb also and he says no hello from avr!i am crazy from this...what is batch??

the download works only with version 1036 and with one i type in post i put it back to old firmware and change tables and car started..than i try new version again and the old cant work anymore 
Title: Re: do i need new firmware
Post by: ermin on June 02, 2009, 01:50:49 AM
maybe i need to right click on download config and change com port?? i am using com port 2... I look on 1036 settings and it says this:

@echo off
echo OVERWRITING saved config
echo ctrl-c to abort
echo -------------------------
if exist config\config.txt del config\config.txt
if exist config\tables.txt del config\tables.txt
tools\megaloader -o config\config.txt
tools\megaloader -a config\tables.txt

and 1073 says:

@echo off
echo OVERWRITING saved config
echo ctrl-c to abort
echo -------------------------
if exist config\config.txt del config\config.txt
if exist config\tables.txt del config\tables.txt
tools\megaloader -c com4 -o config\config.txt
tools\megaloader -c com4 -a config\tables.txt

Title: Re: do i need new firmware
Post by: [email protected] on June 02, 2009, 02:46:30 PM
Then you need to change it to:

@echo off
echo OVERWRITING saved config
echo ctrl-c to abort
echo -------------------------
if exist config\config.txt del config\config.txt
if exist config\tables.txt del config\tables.txt
tools\megaloader -c com2 -o config\config.txt
tools\megaloader -c com2 -a config\tables.txt
Title: Re: do i need new firmware
Post by: ermin on June 02, 2009, 10:16:18 PM
can you tell me do i need to change only h2 tables from standard ones?i mean are all other tables automatic correct for all cars or something?
Title: Re: do i need new firmware
Post by: ermin on June 02, 2009, 11:33:53 PM
here is the msq file of my settings with 1073 version!

and my tables:
Title: Re: do i need new firmware
Post by: Bat on June 05, 2009, 05:08:56 AM
The tables for the 1.0.73 will be the ones you downloaded from your ECU that get uploaded back to the ECU by the batch file.
The H2 table will need changing as I've mentioned earlier in this post.
Gavin :)
Title: Re: do i need new firmware
Post by: ermin on June 07, 2009, 02:39:35 AM
Hello people, its me again heheh...i managed to start car with new firmware and it works fine...

today i finaly connect my launch control...

so first i connect it like this:

( (

Lc works,it starts on 3k rpm to boost turbo and ignition retard starts to pop and all that but problem is that i cant turn of LC over switch...

than i try to put switch like this:

( (

LC works but switch does not react!

I also try to remove this wire like this:

( (

and lc still works  ??? ??? ???

can you tell me what could be the problem?
Title: Re: do i need new firmware
Post by: Bat on June 07, 2009, 05:34:36 AM
I wired Launch and ALS as per the first diagram and it worked fine.
I used a push to make momentary push button by the gear stick. This needed to be held down for launch and released once the car was moving.
Gavin :)
Title: Re: do i need new firmware
Post by: ermin on June 07, 2009, 02:42:00 PM
can you tell me what does the EC36 pin28 stand for in LC sistem?
Title: Re: do i need new firmware
Post by: Bat on June 07, 2009, 04:21:25 PM
Pin 28 is the 5volt supply.
This feeds through the pull up resistor to pin 16, making pin 16 5volts also.
This now tells the VEMs that LC is off.
When you press the LC button it pulls the voltage on pin 16 down to 0v telling VEMs LC is now on.
You will need to configure the VEMs to use channel 5 in the LC setup menu.
You can test the setup with out the engine running, just watch the launch warning light at the bottom of the MegaTune when pressing the button.
Gavin :)
Title: Re: do i need new firmware
Post by: ermin on June 07, 2009, 04:45:58 PM
but how is posible that when i disconenct pin 28 the LC still works??
Title: Re: do i need new firmware
Post by: Bat on June 07, 2009, 04:49:36 PM
Measure the voltage at pin 16 with 28 disconnected. If it is 5v then the resistor is already fitted inside the ECU and you don't need the external one. :)
Gavin :)
Title: Re: do i need new firmware
Post by: ermin on June 07, 2009, 06:22:35 PM
can you tell me how the pull up resistor looks like?

mine colors go like this:
red,violet,orange, that correct for pull up??

like this one...
Title: Re: do i need new firmware
Post by: SamSpade on June 07, 2009, 07:24:27 PM
If you ordered VEMS assembled, EC18-16 is already pulled up to +5V via a 2.7KΩ resistor.  No need for the external one.  Just connect the other side of the switch/button to GND.  Mine was connected though to CH6 (counting 0-7), not CH5.
Title: Re: do i need new firmware
Post by: Bat on June 07, 2009, 08:35:17 PM
If it's working without one, why are you asking about fitting one?  ???
Gavin :)
Title: Re: do i need new firmware
Post by: ermin on June 07, 2009, 08:51:39 PM
bicouse i cant switch off heheh....

i will try to fit it on pin12!