We finally figured out the crank trigger issue and now it's time start configuring the ECU!
We've started to build the basic configuration from a known working 4 cyl configuration for version 1.0.73. We've made some changes for my V-8 but have noticed irregular flashing patterns from my test LEDs for the injectors and coils.
When cranking, cylinders 1,2,3 and 8 injector LEDs flash in unison. 4,6,5 and 7 don't flash at all. I do notice a very quick prime pulse at key-on from cyl 1,2,3, 5, 6 and 8. When cranking, the coil LEDs for cyl 6 and 8 briefly flash and then all seem to flash sequentially. The firing order is 1 8 4 3 6 5 7.
Below is a link to the tables we are using:
http://scirocco.dhs.org/cheapassron/MT/4-27-09%20tables.zip (http://scirocco.dhs.org/cheapassron/MT/4-27-09%20tables.zip)
I plan to start simple and initially fire the motor with wasted spark but the ultimate goal and plan for the car is COP and sequential injection as it has individual coils wired and installed and has a Hall cam sync trigger installed.
Can someone (Rob?) take a look at these tables to let me know what needs to be changed?
Thanks in advance!
That all looks okay...
To test your channels
All should flash, make sure that you've got none of the other functions (idle control, boost solenoid) set to the INJFET option.
I changed h[0] to show all FF's and uploaded the changes but the LEDs still flash in the same pattern.
Megatune verified that the values did change on VEMS.
I don't see any other output assigned to an injector output.
What else do I need verify or test that there is not a conflict?
Does someone have a working V-8 configuration that I can use to build on their txt tables for v3.3?
We swapped the LEDs on the injector connector with those on the coil connector...all began to work beautifully, just like they're s'psed to. Had some continuity issues I guess.
We had racked our brains on this....when we found the problem we didn't know whether to hug or kick each other. :-[
Moral of the story...check the dumb stuff first.