VEMS Community Forum

VEMS => Software => Topic started by: Sambas on March 20, 2009, 12:59:25 AM

Title: Siamese injection
Post by: Sambas on March 20, 2009, 12:59:25 AM
I have been working on firmware feature to support siamese injection upon request. I have done preliminary tests and injection works now on bench setup. Generally idea is to use separate injector reference tooth table to freely assing cranktooth when injector should start. Resolution would be for example 10 crankdegs on 36-1 wheel or 6 crankdegs on 60-2 wheel.
Here are some scopeshots on two injector channels with different starting positions: (
Any comments or thoughts? I need some trigger setups that would use this kind of injection to do more tests.
Title: Re: Siamese injection
Post by: gunni on March 20, 2009, 04:08:57 AM
Why not just re do things into adjustable injection timing for sequential setups
that would also work with siamese ports?

Basically re-do the timing injection code so it´s adjustable,.
and if sequential it´s completely adjustable with the gains.
Title: Re: Siamese injection
Post by: [email protected] on March 20, 2009, 04:56:06 AM
The Siamese ports are being used on engines with the Lotus Elise trigger pattern.
Title: Re: Siamese injection
Post by: Sprocket on March 21, 2009, 08:47:55 AM
OOH!! Interesting ;D

If we get this to a working state. I can knock an engine together and look at getting it tested ;D

Just one thing though, This is using the cam sync? It nees cam sync to have any success ;)

What about the secondary WBO2? this will help hugely. It only needs to be monitoring only, there does not need to be a closed loop fueling startegy for it. It would be more of a tuning tool than anything else

I feel the trigger set ups that will be in use will only be 36-1 and the 36-4 Lotus Elise/ Rover K series trigger pattern

We need two VE tables with a way to configure injectors in use for each VE table, baisicaly two two cylinder engines but one blackbox. The refference tooth tables for injection start for these VE tables/ injectors is a good idea and is indeed required to be able to find that sweet spot. What would be much much more helpful is a small 2d injection start period map for each set of injectors, thus, as the revs rise the start period cam move with it, and basicaly replacing the refference tooth table perhaps. There is also the point that the pulse width should grow from the midle of the start period outwards.

I dont think we need to re invent the wheel, rover managed to get this into a production engine and it works well, even with tuned engines, what is lacking is the reprograming of the ignition and fueling.

Not being one to throw a spanner in the works, but Rover had a patent for this, but i am no patent lawyer, so wouldnt know where we would stand with it. The patent aplication is here and will explain a lot in itself

There is also this article, an interview with the Rover design engineer who thought it up, again, a lot explained.

Dave Coxon over on Turbo Minis, has done some testing on a standard Rover MPi Mini, the data should be able to be seen here

These areas are the key to getting a reliable working system

I look forward to getting some working firmware to play with :)

PLease tell us more ;D

If there is anything I can help you with, please dont hesitate to give me a shout ;)
Title: Re: Siamese injection
Post by: Sprocket on March 21, 2009, 09:18:28 AM
Or, while its in my mind, even at this late hour ;D

perhaps only one VE table, but two 8x8 scaling tables for each pair of cylinders with a way to associate the injectors from the h[0] table to each scaling table. IE, Odd numbered h[0] entries associated with scaling table 'A' and Even numbered h[0] entries associated with scaling table 'B'

Drop boost control and any other non esentials. The latest acceleration enrichments should be retained however.

Sorry if you have thought about this stuff, or its not as simple as I suggest to work this round in the programing, I just dont know where to start when it comes to that :-/


Im just throwing ideas out here  :D
Title: Re: Siamese injection
Post by: Sambas on March 22, 2009, 06:57:24 PM
Quote from: Sprocket on March 21, 2009, 09:18:28 AM
perhaps only one VE table, but two 8x8 scaling tables for each pair of cylinders with a way to associate the injectors from the h[0] table to each scaling table. IE, Odd numbered h[0] entries associated with scaling table 'A' and Even numbered h[0] entries associated with scaling table 'B'

This one sounds easiest to implement. Lets see what I get done when I get next burst of coding.
Title: Re: Siamese injection
Post by: Sprocket on March 22, 2009, 07:08:13 PM
Thinking again, lol

So, one VE table (12x12 or 16x 14), two scaling tables referenced to h[0] as discussed (8x8), and one 2d tabe for injection period against rpm (10).

Alpha N capebility would be good also as that will allow racier cam profiles
Title: Re: Siamese injection
Post by: Sprocket on March 22, 2009, 07:12:16 PM
Ooh ooh ooh ;D

Simpler still

One VE tabel and one scaling table ;D odd numbered h[0] entries associated with the VE table and even numbered h[0] entries associated with scaling table?
Title: Re: Siamese injection
Post by: dnb on March 23, 2009, 06:30:22 AM
I'm liking some of this.  It would help balance things up between the two banks of a v8.

I too would like 2 widebands, and would be willing to lose boost control to get it.  (But only as a firmware option, since my other car has a turbo and would require boost control)   

After all, are there that many users who need boost control AND 2 widebands?  twin turbo v8s are pretty rare beasties ;)