VEMS Community Forum

VEMS => Software => Topic started by: gunni on February 05, 2009, 08:13:54 PM

Title: 1.1.50 Boost alt , english translation needed?
Post by: gunni on February 05, 2009, 08:13:54 PM
Latest firmware change -

boostalt has separate output config_ext.boostalt_channel with 2 different operation mode

    * I'll make the "simpleboost" bit mean "boostalt=absolute MAP lookup". bit=0 will mean relative lookup
    * boost_conf.bit1=1 "Simple boost" will be renamed to "MAP absolute lookup". Means that table lookup is according to (RPM,MAP), MAP in the range 0..510 kPa
    * boost_conf.bit1=0 "PID boost" will be renamed to "relative lookup" which means that table lookup is according to (RPM, MAP - boosttarget). MAP - boosttarget table range is -155 .. +100 kPa. Boosttarget calculated the same way (from same config variables) as the PID boost. You can set TPS scaling to 100% in each bin if you do not use TPS scaling.
    * Note that boost_channel is always the output actuator of the PID boost. This means the PID boost can be used simultaneously with water injection or other PWM output (can be used eg. for a gauge or an analog output). Or you can control the top of the wastegate with PID and the bottom with a table-lookup, or the other way around. Highly flexible - versatile.

Am I understanding this that there is now a second 3d pwm output channel that is configurable from RPM, MAP?