VEMS Community Forum

VEMS => Software => Topic started by: lugnuts on December 02, 2008, 12:02:11 AM

Title: Megatune wont start when hiboost selected?
Post by: lugnuts on December 02, 2008, 12:02:11 AM
Need some experts here. I have a modified Megatune (custom .ini file, and custom folder titles)

I have two options at start-up instead of four. The options are 250 and 400 kpa (16x14 tables)

When I start MT, and select 250 kpa, everything is fine.
If I select 400 kpa, nothing happens, the world just stops.

My MT had been working fine for about 10 months. This started happening a week ago.
I downloaded a new copy of VEMS MT (1.0.73) and it worked. But today the problem came back again.

Thanks for any help.

Lugnuts9 (AT) msn (DOT) com

Title: Re: Megatune wont start when hiboost selected?
Post by: gunni on December 02, 2008, 12:15:06 AM
I have had that problem,

It was the COM port that was the issue.
I was using a USB converter that on one USB port connected as COM2.
After I opened MT it would freeze. I did the same as you installed another setup and it work but then happen again,
I then moved to another USB port and that registered as COM9 and I opened the software , adjusted it to COM9
and have not had the problem again.

Title: Re: Megatune wont start when hiboost selected?
Post by: lugnuts on December 02, 2008, 12:39:03 AM
Thank you for the reply, I am really stuck here.

The problem is, this happens even with no ECU connected to the laptop.

Also when the ecu is connected, I am not using a USB adapter.

I have had some issues with my laptop (high cpu useage), I'd really like to have this fixed by some one here. Because the computer guy will just tell me I need to get a new computer or delete everything off of it :)
Title: Re: Megatune wont start when hiboost selected?
Post by: [email protected] on December 02, 2008, 10:05:28 AM
If you pull up the task manager you should see that MegaTune is still running.

Close it and find the .cfg files in your profile directory, delete them and try again.

Title: Re: Megatune wont start when hiboost selected?
Post by: lugnuts on December 02, 2008, 02:35:08 PM
Thanks for the reply Rob. You are correct, the megatune tab is still in the taskbar and the program is running, just doesn't do anything.

Now, my question is, which .cfg files do I delete?

I have a file "megatune.cfg" in the "Megatune2.25 - mtCfg folder",

and also there are "megatune.cfg" files in the "mtCfg folder" (s) in my "hi boost" and "low boost" folders!

I will try all of them, and to remember where they went haha.

More questions:
1) What caused the problem?

2) Wow many of these stupid files can I get rid of (million megatune.ini files, etc.) and have this thing still work.
I swear, I've been doing this for 10 years but thius DIY stuff makes me feel like an idiot.
Title: Re: Megatune wont start when hiboost selected?
Post by: lugnuts on December 02, 2008, 02:45:27 PM

deleted the .cfg file from only the high boost folder and we are back up and running. But why??
Title: Re: Megatune wont start when hiboost selected?
Post by: [email protected] on December 02, 2008, 03:05:44 PM
I don't know what happens - but somehow the geometry and position of the window gets written into the file.

There is a huge problem with the usability of this system, its something I've tried to address for a few years and quite frankly, given up on.  I was hoping that more tuners would see the advantage of the VEMS ECU but all of them complain about the tuning software - and having seen Gary from APT trying to use it on a rolling road I could see exactly what he meant.  Some of us are hoping that Phil Tobin's software will provide an answer to the usability issues.

So don't feel like an idiot, its a complicated system with a steep learning curve - thing is once you've nailed it you'll have awesome Super abilities ;D
Title: Re: Megatune wont start when hiboost selected?
Post by: lugnuts on December 02, 2008, 03:20:01 PM
I made some comments in another thread but I'll make some here also.

The good:

I like the MT software, and I love the megalogviewer program. My customers like the MT software because they know it (or think they do)

I like the fact that I can go in and customize the tuning functions and names, to non geek names lol.

I really like the graphical editing fuel/ignition/lambda functions (which of course I read somewhere they deleted in the newer firmware, along with 14x16 WHY???)

I can tune an engine pretty effectively on the road, rolling road, and track, using the VEMS (thanks to the megalogviewer, and the WB and EGT) (Rob, since you seem to enjoy my projects, check out the new installs page)

The not so good:
- I need the damn thing to WORK - ALL THE TIME lol
- I need to get rid of the auditlog error message at the beginning
- I need to get rid of the antilag turning itself on all the time

Overall I give the software an "8" , and wil gladly use it until something else comes along.

I cannot use the V3GUI to save my life..... other than to upload firmware with it which is easy.

Rob - let me know if you'd like to see my custom .ini file, I think it makes the MT functions make a lot more sense.

Title: Re: Megatune wont start when hiboost selected?
Post by: [email protected] on December 02, 2008, 03:58:45 PM
Don't flatter yourself I enjoy all projects, not just yours! :P

Take a look at this thread:

If you want to put your .ini file in then excellent, make it available for download and post the location on that thread, no doubt Sambas will see it and bundle it into the next release candidate.