VEMS Community Forum

Technical => Documents => Topic started by: gunni on May 06, 2018, 11:23:41 AM

Title: ALS Excel workbook
Post by: gunni on May 06, 2018, 11:23:41 AM
Hi guys.

I´ve made a workbook that when populated with your ALS settings will show you the results.
The ALS help is incorrect in Vemstune, when you select Absolute it will not start any ignition retard at 0° but at the main ignition table value you are at and then retard to the maximum value you have select


Max retard = 40
Ign value = 40
Final ignition value = -40
Max total retard amount = 80°

Max retard = 40
Ign value = 40
Final ignition value = 0
Max total retard amount = 40°!Agm0wZb6As7Nq79fZX3epN5HHNg4rw