VEMS Community Forum

VEMS => Configuration => Topic started by: Sprocket on October 25, 2008, 10:48:52 PM

Title: Creating a Curve Editor For Warmup IAC Steps
Post by: Sprocket on October 25, 2008, 10:48:52 PM
I had a thought, why is there no curve editor for the Warmup IAC steps, so I set about looking into the vems3.ini file, and this is what I came up with

Constants, add new line..... iac_ref_pos = array, U08, 97, [10], "step", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 255, 0

menu = "&Tuning", add a new line..... subMenu = WarmUpIAC, "Warmup Idle Air Steps"

CurveEditor, add new.....

   curve = WarmUpIAC, "Warm up Idle Air Table"
   topicHelp   = ""
   columnLabel = "Coolant", "Steps"
   xAxis       = -40, 77, 8
   columnLabel = "Coolant", "Steps"
   xAxis       = -40, 170, 8
   yAxis      = 0, 255, 10
   xBins       = warmup_clt_range
   yBins       = iac_ref_pos
   gauge    = lambdaGauge

Now all this seems to work so far, but the only thing I am unsure of is the value of 97 in the new 'Constants' line. All these numbers seem to be consecutive with the odd repeat, so i repeated this number from the line... iac_ref_pos0 = scalar, U08, 97,   "", 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 255, 0 ...which is now below the new line. Is this something I need to change? what to? and how?

Also need to figure out a way to tune this to give the best results, I have a few ideas, i'll see how I get on this week ;D
Title: Re: Creating a Curve Editor For Warmup IAC Steps
Post by: dnb on October 25, 2008, 11:55:00 PM
Sounds like a damn good idea to have this :)
Title: Re: Creating a Curve Editor For Warmup IAC Steps
Post by: GintsK on October 26, 2008, 08:09:58 AM
Does not MT have limit of graphical editor window number?
In newest 1.1.43, where new AE implemented, WE graphical editor is dropped.
Title: Re: Creating a Curve Editor For Warmup IAC Steps
Post by: Sprocket on October 26, 2008, 12:09:38 PM
My theory behind it is for first start up. The coolant bins are not linear, so if you use simple numbers, say steps of 10 or 20, it generates an odd shape curve for whatever is being tuned. The curve editor allows you to generate a linear, logarythmic or exponential curves irespective of the irregularities of the coolant bins, producing something that looks functional ;D whether its right is another matter. its just somewhere to start, which VEMS seems to lack a lot of, a starting point, there doest seem to be any defaults other than wideband. I've had firmware that has some one elses config in it :-\

I just needed something graphical to see how bumpy the curve was/ is.
Title: Re: Creating a Curve Editor For Warmup IAC Steps
Post by: [email protected] on October 26, 2008, 03:55:34 PM
Its fairly easy to add extra graphical tables, just a bit of work in the ini file.
Have a look at the vemsv3.ini file in notepad and you'll see the relevant tables.