I did backup and convert, as in readme, and then upload firmware and then upload config...
In megatune, all the tables and everything look the same as before on 1.0.73, but now, the engine wouldn't start... Any ideas?
Did you double check all the timing configs and injector and ignition outputs.
Yes. I thnik I know what is the problem... I did backup config and generate with 1073 version, and did the upload firmware and config with 1118...
I think, I must backup and generate and upload and upload with same version 1118...
When I did later on, just started generate config in 1118 version on config files saved with 1073, it complained about some wbo2 settings...
Obviously on readme, and here on update page, didn't specify the most important thing:
What batch files do you use from what step (new firmware or old one). Because it make the difference...