VEMS Community Forum

Technical => Wiring & Sensors => Topic started by: kkh on March 25, 2008, 05:11:05 PM

Title: 'Cross talk'
Post by: kkh on March 25, 2008, 05:11:05 PM
Hi Rob

Have you see any "Ignition and Fuel Pump cross-talk" like described here: with any of these firmware versions?

I'm prety sure I experienced the same with 1.0.73 (from VemsMT?1.0.73) with 14x16.

Title: 'Cross talk'
Post by: [email protected] on March 25, 2008, 08:56:53 PM
The only time I've ever seen anything like that was when I did a plug-in adaptor for the Toyota Corolla.  When ever the power was applied the spark would go crazy and when you pulled power the VEMS would stay powered.
We cured this by using a flyback diode on each of the relays, and tieing the grounds together 12cm from the end of the EC36 plug.

Title: 'Cross talk'
Post by: kkh on March 26, 2008, 01:49:27 PM
Quote from: [email protected] on March 25, 2008, 08:56:53 PM
The only time I've ever seen anything like that was when I did a plug-in adaptor for the Toyota Corolla.  When ever the power was applied the spark would go crazy and when you pulled power the VEMS would stay powered.
We cured this by using a flyback diode on each of the relays, and tieing the grounds together 12cm from the end of the EC36 plug.


It is a corolla, but I do think it's a sw problem.
I did get it running on an other ign.output (using single coil), but I'll change firmware anyway course WBo2 does not start by it self (works fine when using "mde02").
It would be nice to keep 14x16 though when going above 8k.rpm.

Title: 'Cross talk'
Post by: [email protected] on March 26, 2008, 06:23:23 PM
Corollas have horrible grounding, what trigger are you using?
Title: 'Cross talk'
Post by: kkh on March 27, 2008, 09:09:25 AM
Quote from: [email protected] on March 26, 2008, 06:23:23 PM
Corollas have horrible grounding, what trigger are you using?
I know, and I did make a new wire-harness and good grounding but I'm using the original 4-tooth trigger to save time  ::)  but as you also wrote some time ago on the triggersignal is too close to TDC so I'll change to 36-1 and waste-spark.
How many degrees before TDC should the missingtooth be?
Title: 'Cross talk'
Post by: gunni on March 27, 2008, 10:56:22 PM
Try and get it about 60-90deg, itÃ,´s what most manufacturers do
Title: 'Cross talk'
Post by: GintsK on March 28, 2008, 07:35:49 PM
Quote from: gunni on March 27, 2008, 10:56:22 PM
Try and get it about 60-90deg, itÃ,´s what most manufacturers do
IMO 90...120Ã,° from experience from BMW, VW and Opel 60-2.

Title: 'Cross talk'
Post by: billman on June 26, 2008, 01:06:53 PM

i have seen that there is a 1.1.33 FW version and i would like to try Switch-activated config Swap features out but i can't understand how should i load 2 different configs (dont know anything about the Terminal commands).

Here is something out of the FW-Page on the
"switch-activated full-table-and-config-swap. Expert feature, must upload valid config+tables to both storage (2 completely different permanent storage area inside the ECU) separately. Same ignition and injection outputs must be used in same positions (otherwise => risk of blowing ignition fuse and flooding cylinders with gasoline. Therefore this does not allow additional injector-staging-hack features, besides the existing staging functionality). Configuration of storage0 (eg. confswitch=C3) can allow to change to storage1. If you want to be able to switch back to storage0 without reboot, config of storage1 (eg. confswitch=D3) must allow to change to storage0. MegaTune does not know about which storage it reads/writes (closing megatune windows before switching to alternate storage seems wise). Useful for bi-fuel, or special different tables like N2O or similar. Switching can also depend on misc1 condition (TPS, RPM, MAP). After switching, the misc1 condition of the new storage will be used (which can be slightly different, eg. to allow hysteresis). For most applications, rpm < 100 (engine off) is recommended, or at least rpm < 1500 (idle). For N2O, the condition will be different of course.

    * confswitch=00 disables switching
    * confswitch=C3 does load_variables(1) if mcp3208 ch3 goes low
    * confswitch=D3 does load_variables(0) if mcp3208 ch3 goes high
    * confswitch=83 does load_variables(1) if mcp3208 ch3 goes low AND misc1 condition is true
    * confswitch=93 does load_variables(0) if mcp3208 ch3 goes high AND misc1 condition is false
    * any mcp3208 analog input channel (mcp3208ch 0..7) can be chosen with confswitch bit 0:3
    * use it with known-good config manually uploaded to storage1 first (mcS1 command). When tweaking from megatune, verify the result after (both storage0 and storage1)"

Can someone explain how it is done?
Title: 'Cross talk'
Post by: [email protected] on June 27, 2008, 10:16:52 AM
I wouldn't touch anything newer than 1.0.73 or 1.1.18  The Audi trigger development in 1.1.2x and up has taken a load of resources.
Title: 'Cross talk'
Post by: mr_g on July 07, 2008, 08:54:51 AM
Is there a bifuel support in 1.1.18?
Title: 'Cross talk'
Post by: mr_g on July 07, 2008, 09:06:42 AM
Is there staged injetors in booth configs?
Title: 'Cross talk'
Post by: gunni on July 08, 2008, 04:01:43 PM
Quote from: mr_g on July 07, 2008, 09:06:42 AM
Is there staged injetors in booth configs?
