VEMS Community Forum

VEMS => Software => Topic started by: Will on December 15, 2007, 11:26:03 PM

Title: MMC Data Log
Post by: Will on December 15, 2007, 11:26:03 PM
I have read before about Using MMC cards to Data Log on VEMS, has any progress been made on this?

I have tried the main WIKI on the site but find WIKI's very hard to use tbh. Would I need to use and LCD and Keyboard to start the logging etc?

Thanks Will
Title: Re: MMC Data Log
Post by: [email protected] on December 16, 2007, 10:59:27 AM
I've bought 3 of these:
To make an embedded datalogger that would work as a standalone.

Unfortunately I've not had time to get it working, it should be fairly straightforward as the included code does almost what we want, and all the dev tools are free! 
Title: Re: MMC Data Log
Post by: jrussell on December 16, 2007, 04:26:43 PM
I am trying to integrate one of these:

But unfortunately just like Rob I haven't had any time to play with it at all.

TBH I like the SD solution a bit better, but this is "finished" physically, not software wise and less expensive. It's around $30USD if I remember correctly.