Hi guys,
I need some help to make a "new" engine start. I have not much experience in setting up engine management having only done one setup for now: the 4 cylinders, 1.6 litters, 8 valves, and single trigger engine of my Peugeot 106. However this car drives well today and I think that I have a quite good knowledge of the VEMS ECU ???. For both project I bought bare genboards and build them on my own. (I am an automatist with some knowledge in electronics.)
Then I start my second project. :D
The « new » engine is a stock 120bhp Rover K series 1.8 litters with 135bhp cams, VVC inlet manifold and sport exhaust header. I plan to swap the head for a VVC one later but for now my goal is to start the engine as is, as it runs well with stock engine ECU (to be sure there is no mechanical issue preventing the engine to start). The only modification made since the stock ECU has been removed is the replacement of the single ignition coil and distributor by two coils from the same 135bhp engine that nicely gave the cams. ;D
And of course I have done a new custom engine harness. I have setup the dwell time with an oscilloscope and a current probe aiming at 8 amperes at the end of charging. I have spark (at least on the coil I made the measurement on). I did not check the timing (I can’t get the hand on my timing light…).
So far I am not using cam sensor, the setup is batch firing but I have individual injectors wiring allowing future upgrade.
Here is my current config file:
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5EZ3EXZ7dLHR094MVIzVTByMlU (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5EZ3EXZ7dLHR094MVIzVTByMlU)
Here is a trigger log that looks fine for me:
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5EZ3EXZ7dLHTG9VZllWYlh3Tk0 (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5EZ3EXZ7dLHTG9VZllWYlh3Tk0)
Now the problem: To make it short : It does not start ! Well more detail is needed I presume. So I have setup cranking threshold high enough to stay in cranking mode and I play mainly with crank VE, crank ignition timing and also with IAC position and I can’t get more than backfire heard in the ignition when crank VE is high (very high in fact: 100% reqfuel and above). Any advice on the first things to look after?
Here are some log files:
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5EZ3EXZ7dLHcmMtTVpCS2p2Qlk (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5EZ3EXZ7dLHcmMtTVpCS2p2Qlk)
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5EZ3EXZ7dLHN1FKZ2tDbUFENEE (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5EZ3EXZ7dLHN1FKZ2tDbUFENEE)
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5EZ3EXZ7dLHNVJQbnBHS0FfdUE (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5EZ3EXZ7dLHNVJQbnBHS0FfdUE)
Many thanks in advance for your answers.
I am not in a hurry and I don’t expect quick answers. Do not expect quick answer or actions form my part too as I live 20km away from the car (It is my own but I have no place to park it at home.). My goal is to run the car for 2017 summer: as soon as I can start it with the current setup, I will bring it out of the car for modification during winter and then put it back on the car and tune it.
The engine started for the first time with VEMS ECU yesterday ! I am so happy ! It sounds like a go for mechanic fun ! ;D
Since I can’t get the hand on my timing light, I used one from a friend of mine : the spark timing was way out. I only had to modify the "first trigger tooth" setting and adjust "Crank VE" and the engine came to live.
Here is the config file :
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5EZ3EXZ7dLHbUd1aFlJdUcxMEE/view?usp=sharing (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5EZ3EXZ7dLHbUd1aFlJdUcxMEE/view?usp=sharing)
Here is the log file (very short because engine coolant is drained) :
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5EZ3EXZ7dLHaENLZDc2UDJRSzQ/view?usp=sharing (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5EZ3EXZ7dLHaENLZDc2UDJRSzQ/view?usp=sharing)
Now, before disassembling the engine, I may try to start it with sequential injection set up.
I have no signal from the camsync sensor. According to MG and Catheram electrical diagrams it should be powered with 12v. For now mine only got 5v from genboard.
I read there that it should be ok to only change the supplied voltage and that the sensor will still output 5v :
http://www.vemssupport.com/forum/index.php/topic,2881.msg25246.html#msg25246 (http://www.vemssupport.com/forum/index.php/topic,2881.msg25246.html#msg25246)
I may verify this before frying VEMS ECU. :-[
Another point : I will probably use a VVC head and the Rover VVC system. Does anyone managed to get this running ?
I will need help for "Near PWM-ing ange" and "PWM Period" parameters. Which values to put there ?