I have been working with Grant to get my car running on alpha-N. I don't understand the system as well as grant who has been helping but he does not have the time to post so please bear with noob-ness.
Car is running well with alpha-n except idle. Anything below 2k rpm gives an unsteady idle. I'm hoping someone can take a look at my cfg and/or idle log and see if they see anything obvious that is not set correctly. Grant says it is not due to tuning as we have tried to tune it out. Trying to get idle at 1000-1100.
Here is cfg: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sgjzk2ujpq1wqiw/alpha-n%20testing%20with%20reduced%20timing%20at%20top%20right%20quadrant.vemscfg?dl=0
Here is idle log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bo1ksxuntfm0j4s/v3.3_u008216-2015.04.02-22.30.35.vemslog?dl=0
4age 16v, large cams, ITBs
Current firmware
Current Vemstune
It seems that you get a noise on your TPS value. You may try to set your control enable max tps value for idle = 0.6.
I made that change and it corrects to 0.78. It dud not make a noticeable difference.
Any other ideas?
The car seems to idle ok (but still a little rough) and then gets much worse when the fan or lights come on. At that point it will run leaner and have a very rough idle.
It also runs poorly when taking off from stop signs when the rpms are allowed to drop below 2k. After that it runs perfect.
So I thought some more about what you said about the fluctuating TPS signal. I don't know how you noticed it but you were right. My signal is fluctuating quite badly. This explains my poor idle and low rpm take offs from a stop.
How do I go about fixing this fluctuation? Is it likely a bad TPS or do I need shielding of some sort? I rechecked all grounding and everything looks good.
Any advice?
It could be the TPS.Noise and signal is easier to check with a scope. You can test with the TPS shortcuted in some way ( I do not know which TPS you have).
I'm running a toyota tps for the silvertop 4age itbs.
I did testing the only way I could think and this is what I found:
-Sensor is getting 4.1 volts with car off.
-Resistance is changing when throttle plates are opened but when returning to closed I notice the numbers keep fluctuating.
-Ground are good.
I am not sure if that is enough voltage and I am not sure if this fluctuation is normal.
Any advice? New sensor?
I found the problem!!!!
I was getting interference from my new serial to bluetooth adapter. I removed it and went back to serial/usb cable and the problem is magically gone. No more fluctuation with TPS at all.
Thanks for the help. I'm going to start a new thread about the bluetooth adapter.